Make the time format 24hr time clock
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For English speakers, changing the locale to English, UK will give you a 24h clock format instead of the 12.
I think some languages automatically display 24h time instead of 12h (e.g. US English displays 12h, while British displays 24h), but I totally agree that it would make much more sense for it to just be its own setting.
36 -
absolutely essential (at least here in Europe) and easy to deploy.. pleaseee
30 -
It works (setting language to english UK), but if you live in the US, your date format is different. I'd rather have a toggle for 12hr and 24hr.
28 -
Switching everything to British English is not the answer for American users. A separate 24-hour clock setting is a must! Long dates (e.g. April 23, 2019) would be a nice setting too.
26 -
It should pull from the system settings.
Windows, Android etc all have settings for time display preference that the app can pull from.
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Why is that the official response instead of just adding an on/off switch?
24 -
ahh you are right.. i moved from english US to english UK, and now i have 24h hours!
agree, would be huge to have a separate config just for the time 12 or 24h
23 -
-- Edit: Adding in a copy of post I've made near the current end of this thread:
ATTENTION: Anyone who has previously posted on this 12/24h clock request thread, to no avail:
I suggest you go look at the request I posted here, and if you agree, give it an upvote in hopes of getting some devs' eyes on the problem that's keeping this thread from getting anything done, despite all of the upvotes:
-- I'll leave my original response here for posterity:
Are you kidding me? The official response to a request for an option that exists in any decent UI is to pretend I'm in a different country?
22 -
@D, so what you're saying is to get 24 hour clock us Americans have to use the UK date? Either a messed up time or a messed up date... Nice.
20 -
We get all kind of useless features but this is still not addressed? It's so easy so see if the app is developed my American:
- Step 1: the app doesn't support any characters beyond ANSI
- Step 2: hardcoded AM/PM time format.
Don't believe me?
Let's take one of the comment in this thread:
"24-hour timestamps aren't really a standard. If you look as most timestamps on major apps (Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Outlook, Gmail, the list goes on....)"
All these are dumb american companies.
Look at all these reasonable countries with they 24h time format and probably they metric system. But then again, i don't care what you use, allow me to use my own.
- Add to Phrasebook
- No word lists for German -> Hungarian...
- Create a new word list...
- No word lists for German -> Hungarian...
- Copy
18 -
iOS has a time format setting that you’re ignoring. Please show 24-hour time like the rest of the apps do.
16 -
Upvoting this and also making things clear...
Switching your locale is *NOT* an acceptable way to change time format, Discord. They should be independent of each other. US-24H should be just as doable as UK-24H. Honestly, this is just resistance for the sake of resistance. The functionality already exists, it just shouldn't be bound to locale/region. I don't see why I would want to pay for products like these when things are just ignored and improper solutions are promoted.16 -
I have my language to UK for the 24 hour time format, but I'm not used to the different date format (DD/MM/YY). Since I'm NA garbage, I'm used to the format MM/DD/YY so a toggle for 24 hour time would be pretty cool
14 -
The thing is, switching from English US to English UK, as suggested earlier, would just trade one inconvenience for another for me. I am personally more used to the way the Americans write certain words (color, realize, favorite etc.) and switching to the British English would (I assume at least) change all the spellings to the ones preferred in the UK.
It's not like I couldn't work with British spellings but if I have an option to use American spellings, I'd much rather do that instead. Just give us a normal toggle a 12/24 hour clock (as well as an option to switch to various date formats, including DD.MM.YY with dots as separators instead of slashes, since that's the format in my home country) regardless of language settings.
14 -
^Because the devs think that if you use an X language, you want all your locale settings to be the same as in the country the X language is used in, which is a reaaaaally narrow-minded thinking. Language should be completely separated from any other locale settings.
I am an European but I prefer American spellings over British ones (and there are many others like me out there) but if I want to have a 24-hour clock, I'm forced to use British spellings just because. Very bad design.
13 -
24h and date format options is a basic feature that all "serious" apps have. If they do not, they should at least default to ISO standards by default.
And looking at the official response; even that doesn't work anyhow.
12 -
The ability to toggle a 24 hour clock would be very appreciated.
12 -
Still no 24-hour time, huh? Also, if (and hopefully when) this feature is added, please make it a separate on-off toggle switch or something of the sort. I do not wish to use the English, UK setting and would prefer to have 24-hour time regardless of the client's language. My client is in Japanese (but still has a 12 hour system!). This is a pretty standard feature; I hope to see it added soon.
11 -
I can't believe this hasn't been added yet. I use US English but universal time format anywhere possible and I'm pretty sure a huge portion of users also do the same.
10 -
It would also make a good toggle for Americans, as it's typically used for the military to tell time (hence the name of military time in the states). I agree w/ this suggestion!
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This is a wide iOS issue too. Apples guidelines insist apps should auto detect which language it should be based on system language.
Typical assumption by someone monolingual. It is reasonable to default to the system language on first launch but please make it configurable everywhere.
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Please add toggles for time format and date format.
I don't necessarily want it to default to the language I am using or the default format of the display language I am using in discord. (For somewhat weird reasons). It seems like a pretty basic option to include.
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in the latest discord ios update the 24-hour format has been turned off somehow, and ignores system preferences. i agree with @Twilazs that fixing this would be a good opportunity to create a switch so people can choose between 12-hour and 12-hour, instead of the official response being "oh just pretend you're in a different country :)"
edit: ive tried switching from uk to us english and back, even tried dutch, none of it worked. please do something about this.
9 -
Please add a toggle so you can choose yourself if you want 24 or 12 hour clock, or please tell how to fix or where to contact it for broken languages.
I tried to set it to my country language, and on the phone and in a browser it shows 24 hour clock, while on the desktop client it shows in 12 hour clock.
All OS languages were also the same language with otherwise correct locale settings.9 -
Setting my phone's (Android) client to UK English doesn't get rid of the 12 hour clock. It does work on pc. How can I enable the 24 hour clock on Android?
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This is so irritating. Who cares what is “standard” or what is the “best”? People have personal preferences. iOS has a system setting for 12 vs 24 hour time. Every app I run (including Reddit, DarkSky, etc) use the global system preference. But Discord forces the format to 12. This should be a simple fix. Just use the system’s native time formatting functions.
8 -
@GoDlike alot of Americans use the 24h format. Pretty much all of US law enforcement agencies and the military. I have used 24h format for as long as I can remember as I feel it's a better time format to use. So just know a percentage of Americans want this option also.
7 -
ATTENTION: Anyone who has previously posted on this 12/24h clock request thread, to no avail:
I suggest you go look at the request I posted here, and if you agree, give it an upvote in hopes of getting some devs' eyes on the problem that's keeping this thread from getting anything done, despite all of the upvotes:
7 -
welcome to discord where the tiniest of problems (that seem like would have been easier to not create in the first place) sit unfixed for years
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