Discord App on Xbox One

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Комментариев: 5

  • Официальный комментарий
    Dabbit Prime
    This is a dupe of https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360032408131 , so I'm closing this out. If you'd like to have your voice heard please upvote that suggestion!
  • Scimitar

    This would be great, a nice way to stay in touch with your Discord group regardless of which platform you're playing on.

  • Archento

    Party Chat integration would be awesome as a means to not only write but also talk over an alternative method. Also streaming capabilities and overlays seem plausible.

  • a cool username

    Wow what an Xbox fanboy smh

  • Niv

    I have to agree. I may not play Xbox, but seeing that I use a Windows 10 PC, many of the games I play can work with an Xbox One. Along with that, it would make discord even more loved, because many people play on the Xbox, and I bet they would like to be able to use voice chat while playing their game, and still hear in game. Just a thought


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