
Комментариев: 27

  • Sir Buggie



  • Cmdr Birdnose

    It’s the only reasonable mode to type in on small devices. Telegram supports it so it clearly can be done.

  • Nicodemus

    This is reportedly available on Android devices, so I don't understand why it's 2019 and we still don't have a way to do this.

  • Krobo
    that be out of proportion I think
  • Q.

    I would love if you add Landscape Mode for smaler devices.

    Why? Typing! Landscape mode is (for me) a must have if you want to write a few lines of text. Typing with 2 fingers is for me more efficient than using one finger or use swipe.

    I can write complete and long Mails in Outlook on iOS in Landscape Mode. In Discord its not possible since.. ever. I Also dont want to buy a bigger phone for this "feature".


  • DovaKrieger - ELY/RZR

    Landscape mode?


  • Cmdr Birdnose

    It really teases you. If you launch it in landscape mode the splash screen briefly appears in landscape before switching to portrait.

    This is my biggest frustration with Discord, and the main reason I wish so many of my friends didn't use it.

  • Hawk Diesel

    I have asked the developers to enable landscape mode on this app too for iOS devices. If other devices have it, why not for iOS? It will make typing out messages less uncomfortable among other advantages. Hopefully they see all requests to enable this feature from various supporters of this app and enact it sooner than later.

  • Greg

    What’s even worse is that it works on the iPad. So why is the iPhone not working?

  • DankShiro

    please on iphone!!!! my finger nearly broken waiting for 6 months

  • akotski1337

    When I open an image that’s in landscape and close while in landscape mode, you can see landscape mode and it looks very cool actually. The problem is, is that it goes back after half a second

  • AnarkhiA

    I’m a nitro user only because I feel discord deserves to be paid for this app, animated avatar? Whooptie do, I dont use any nitro stuff. But I will end my subscription if before my renewal date we Iphone users are still left eithout landscape mode, Its something doscord dev’s should be really ashamed for, there is no good reason not even a bad reason why we don’t have landscape mode. I’m aftually at a disadvantage within my guild because of this bullshit. I can’t read the info certain bots spit out because they write it in landscape mode (that IS the most efficient way to read that information before doscord tries a NO U on what the bot spits out.) and even if it wasn’t give us landscape mode and stop being stupid.

  • Conner
  • Light Soldier

    We need landscape mode! It's very inconvenient to type when you're using a smaller iPhone.

  • El Chialde ◭

    still waiting for a landscape mode for IOS

  • danielpbarron


  • LlamaOfChaos

    Yes! Landscape mode for the iPhone would be fantastic!

  • IHaveAnEXTREMELYLongName

    Wow. Jst tried Discord on iPhone. How is it 2020 and no landscape mode...!?

  • metalli-KUH


  • Landscape is useful no matter which size of phone. Wiith portrait its constant mistakes and corrections. Viber and iMessage have always had landscape!

  • sixtysixstyx

    They told me to reply here regarding my App Store review. Its 2020 for crying out loud! How hard can it be to implement an landscape mode? We need it now more than ever due the the stupid discord nitro gift box taking up so much room on the screen.  I mean just LOOK AT IT.

  • Marijke Rose

    How come no one from discord is reading and replying to this? This needs to be made NOW. It's very hard to type in Discord without landscape mode and since it is primarily a text chat app, this should be a stamdard feature.

  • Hawk Diesel

    OK, it has been one year since I posted about landscape mode on Discord here (2019) chiming in about the same concerns as most on landscape mode. Here we are, one year later, 2020. I inquired about landscape mode with the Discord developers or tech experts last year. They said that they have people reading about this stuff who post concerns or comments on their discord help section. Still, no change. How is it that in 2020, landscape mode is still unavailable? I wonder how many people does it take to enable something as simple as this where other technological advances on other devices have already enabled landscape mode, and Discord is falling behind? Who do we have to call or notify?

  • Nicodemus

    I’m assuming that their primary development team all use Android because it’s a standard “feature” on that platform. That’s really not an excuse though.

  • Q.

    Giving 1 Star Reviews on every iOS Release since september 2018 (!) because of this. Its not possible to write long text without landscape mode on a mobile device.

  • chaeeshu

    Can’t wait for them to FINALLY put this ! Not only because it’s easier for some users to write that way but also for people like me who can’t use the upper side of their phone. It’s impossible for me to click on the recent dms nor to quite a server nor correctly moderate my own servers on my phone, I have to always go on my laptop for that matter which is extremely annoying when I can easily and rapidly do it on my phone.

    (And no except if someone is charitable enough to buy me a new phone I’ll keep complaining  about it)

  • Helyux

    2023 and we still don't have a working landscape mode for iOS


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