Changing Avatar too fast?


Комментариев: 74

  • iRiddex

    Honestly, cooldown really needs to go. Sure, discord gives you a preview of what your profile pic will look like, but you don't get to see it how it is when it's small, aka how it is when it actually matters. Changing a profile pic multiple times is not harmful, so why is there a pointless cooldown.

  • .☹.

    Get rid of cooldown.

  • AverBeg

    The cooldown for changing usernames more than twice is 24 hours DarkHerald. People may be able to change server 'nicknames' but not their actual username as much as they like. The 10 minute cooldown for changing avatars was brought in to stop people from abusing the avatar function using scripts to create a free 'animated' avatar. For this reason, a 10 minute cooldown is too aggressive. A 30 second cooldown would be apt, even. Discord does not offer proper previews for the smaller icons used in servers, which is what people mostly see, and it's silly. In fact, on most devices, even the big preview shown is flawed, showing white borders, and then after hitting save it resizes the image to fit properly in the circle. Coming back every 10 minutes to crop/ resize an image twice because it doesn't represent user's preference and cuts out important parts is quite an annoying thing, for people like me who have problems with the framing of circular images being automatically changed upon saving, it is an issue that needs to be addressed. I would love to get it right on the first try, I feel like since they introduced such an aggressive cooldown, having a proper preview in the user settings page should be a high priority. Instead we have a (from what I understand) mostly unused games & store tab. If I want to buy games, I go on steam. If I want to launch games, I have to open steam anyway. Steam already has a quick launch option, and we can already make desktop shortcuts. Trying to turn discord into a one stop shop for gaming instead of further bettering the core functionality of the client is something I wholeheartedly disagree with, and I thought Discord's priorities were better than this to be honest. I agree with most of the decisions made by the Discord staff and I love this chat client to the death, but, the cooldown has been a problem for over a year, and instead I see my personal tab filling up with trash I'm forced to look at on launch. I hope they'll fix it soon, and include an option to hide tabs by user preference soon.

  • may🌸

    This thing needs to go, or at least make it much shorter of a cooldown.

  • Auxiliary IV

    I'm trying to figure out the common sense of the person that added the cooldown for 2 pfp changes.

  • lmao this was a wild ride for people who just want icon changing to be less of an annoying process

  • AverBeg

    Dark Herald, way to latch onto a side argument and be generally abrasive for no good reason. Anyhow, does that mean you use the integrated discord functions such as game launching and store purchases? I doubt discord needs help "staying alive", it's the most popular iirc in the world and will be for a long time to come.

    No it's not "the end of the world", but I never said it was, did I? I said it's been a problem and had a lot of complaints for over a year, it's a simple fix to implement a proper preview system, or lower the CD. It's also definitely a core client issue, not an add-on as the things that I was mentioning are. They should've done it by now is my point. Pretty simple.

  • DatMemeLord

    Ok this just went from people asking " Hey discord, can you have some of your extra programmers make a small change" and yes it would take a bit but it would take no more then a single business day. You dont have to try to "win" or "get the upper hand" and take a simple debate into a argument about other programs and websites. I am a small time coder so don't say I'm full of s*it. But the bottom line is if discord would take some time to listen more to the community for a single update rather then trying to reinvent the wheel then we wouldn't have pages like this and they would find there fan base will grow and be more active then it already is just from one small change. That's my two cents.

  • N0X

    The dimensions are irrelevant, as is your condescending white knight answer. What is relevant is that the image to be provided is the same vertical as horizontal, i.e. a square. That is plainly obvious and not the issue at all. The issue is that the image is not shown at the resolution required to make an informed decision about whether it works or not on the main discord view.

    Take away the 10 minute wait time and make it 60s, problem solved and no exploits to be had.

  • This darkheraldmage dude has more dislikes on all his posts together than the 2018 youtube rewind. dude if people are disliking every post you're making then you should maybe open your mind up instead of coming in here with a one sided opinion not even trying to understand why we want no profile picture change cooldown.


  • AverBeg

    DarkHerald, you seem to like to point out how I am being unreasonable for "such a small issue" but then you spend your time formulating and expending so much energy on some kind of long-winded debate over something so 'small'.

    If it were the case that it's insignificant or 'will literally do nothing to improve the platform' as you say, then why would people be giving this feedback in the first place? Just because it's not of importance in your opinion, doesn't mean it is not in many other users' eyes, the proof is in how many people agree with your POV here, for example.

    You like to throw around a lot of broad terminology but no real specification on what kind of consequences the implementation of either feature would have. If you knew anything, you would say it. So if you do, please explain exactly how a lower CD would have a negative effect on the bandwidth of Discord servers? Being that it's going to be downscaled before upload, the images are low in size, and given that it's a quick process for a server to handle, I don't see how that point has any real substance, it's just an assumption. How would making a preview that shows different resolutions of the same image on a web-based platform be THAT difficult? It's a web based platform. The coding is simple, updates to the user interface, are relatively simple. Something like this, inherently, would be a simple process. It's that simple, simple. There's no giant problem I see, the space on the client is right there. All it would take is having another image scaled client-side (which it already does) at a lower res and put next to it. Acting like the implementation or bandwidth of the servers is a giant problem is based on assumption and is really just you trying to prove a point. 

    If we're talking business here then I have a simple phrase for you; the customer is always right. The users are the ones that are on this platform the most, speaking of holding up their 'market share' and 'investor opinion' is irrelevant when we're talking about user feedback, it doesn't devalue what the USERS want. You talked yourself about Discord going the way of MySpace, ignoring that fact is the quickest way to get there. Who is proving who correct, exactly?

    There's no real reason to be using blanket terminology and somehow demonizing others' perspective as 'feeling privileged' or as if 'feeling as if discord owes you something' unless your sole purpose was to win your argument. The 'facts' you speak of are biased, your POV is biased, and you yourself, are passive aggressive and unreasonable in every single post here. As you can see I have plenty to say, but clearly, you may assume whatever you wish that helps yourself get up on that high horse of yours. Why would anyone take you seriously when you're so clearly arrogant, opinionated, and, argumentative for such an 'insignificant' reason? You're full of it. I'm not wasting any more of my time, let the community speak for themselves.

    I won't be falling for any more silly little baits of yours, just wanted to leave this here to show the absolute hypocrisy of your attitude. Enjoy your one-sided debate victory which I'm sure is inevitably coming after raking everything I say for anything you can twist to keep your ego intact.

  • N0X

    Just wanted to say that I've come up against this issue out of nowhere today without attempting anything malicious, other than trying to get a useable image that looks good on the normal screen where it is smaller, without having a preview to do it. Your cooldown is causing unnecessary time wasting and grief to your users. Make it something more acceptable please.

  • Hoodi

    You both have very arguable points, but I feel like because of that the community would prefer no cooldown or at least a larger limit before the cooldown. This is because the majority of the community can agree that some people who need to work out how to crop their images is completely understandable, and since Discord should listen to the community, I'm afraid it's the right thing to at least make changing avatars a tad more flexible. Now I'm not saying the community is always right, but in this situation we/they are. 

    DarkHeraldMage we all completely understand where you're coming from but in this situation community is more important than staff. 

  • Krio

    I’d really just like to have multiple previews of how your profile picture will look when looking at it from different places on discord. If we had that I really don’t think a shortened/removed cooldown would be needed.

  • AverBeg

    DarkHerald, I'm sorry, are you a programmer? Do you even know the 'complexities' that you speak of? If you did, you would know that how popular the platform is, and the bandwidth of image upload being done more than twice per 10 minutes has 0 implications on the kind of servers Discord has, and even less to do with how simple a proper preview would be to implement. You think store integration and quick launch functions were easier or something?

    What the hell are you talking about, MySpace? You realise MySpace was made redundant because of it's core functionality being outdated (the exact kind of thing I am talking about, forcing users to do things the hard way), and because Facebook filled that gap, right?

    Where do you think developers get insights from? Users giving feedback. It has nothing to do with having a 'cry' because I don't get my way. I'm simply stating facts and my point of view for others to gain insight from.

    You on the other hand, I'm sorry but, you literally make no points that actually make sense, there is major gaps in your knowledge and even more in your research & reasoning to be arguing over technicalities. Just another internet troll making a huff-puff over people and things he knows little to nothing about to fill some kind of void left by your obvious insecurities.

    I have nothing more to say to someone such as yourself, seek help, and enjoy your life.

  • Krio

    I mean, why reply saying you aren’t upset at downvotes and give it the attention if you didn’t care? Your passive aggressive “lol” is such a brutal weapon XD

  • N0X

    I said the dimensions are irrelevant not the resolution. The resolution is obviously relevant because the preview window DOES NOT SHOW IT, as it will be in the main view. A square can be a square regardless of dimensions.

    However, I can see this conversation goes nowhere. Your task is to maintain the status quo with posts that drip of condescension and white knight for discord. You have clearly too much time on your hands

  • Cant say you dont care when you’ve responded to this same thread over 15 days. Dont lie to yourself dude. Stop defending your useless point nobody cares about and stop white knighting for discord. You’re clearly angry and we all can see that seeing how youll keep responding and you’re triggered over people changing their profile picture. If this triggers you then you cannot be helped.

  • angelar

    You probably wouldn't need to redo your perfectly fine icon if Discord wasn't using a resolution for them from last century that makes just about any icon look terrible.

  • Krio

    You made a reply that was only about the downvotes, nothing about the thread. That’s why it sounds like you are upset.


    You literally can't stop arguing, lmfao. You've been on here arguing about a simple upload feature for MONTHS. How  stubborn can you be? No one agrees with your points not because we're stupid, but because your points are poorly thought out. Acting like you understand business better than everyone else is a result of your ego, nothing more. 

    If you can't understand that pleasing your users is the most fundamental concept of most successful businesses, then that's on you. Jeff Bezos fully focuses on the customer and prioritizes them, which is the basic principle Amazon was built on. You've also been projecting this entire time. You think you're superior to everyone and that you're unbothered, yet you've been here for 3+ months absolutely embarrassing yourself, which contradicts everything you say. 

    "I'm capable of cropping" lol okay, you're being condescending again. You think so highly of yourself because you can crop a photo? You realize we can all do that, but we don't, because it is INEFFICIENT. Discord can IMPROVE on themselves and their client by adding this, because it is clearly an annoyance to MANY users. It'd be a good change because this is a COMMON complaint. If you can't understand that then you're just too thick skulled to accept any idea that opposes yours.

    Realize you are wrong. You won't though, you're too stubborn. 

  • hold your colour

    I got locked out of changing my image found this thread and I logged in to say DarkHeraldMage let go already everyone disagrees with you.

  • lmao this was a wild ride for people who just want icon changing to be less of an annoying process

  • bryan

    Thanks for this thread, i encountered a 10 minutes cooldown and decided to surf the net on this topic and now i read finish the drama i can go back and re-fix

    is darkharald paid by discord or what? no need to disagree with what the users have to say all the time

  • N0X

    What total nonsense. You clearly have no self awareness. Your posts drip with condescension and you clearly think you're the smartest person in the room looking down on all the simple people, when the reality is far from it, showing that you fail to understand simple concepts.


    More sarcasm and passive aggression. Are you incapable of discussing in a civil manner?

    Yet more lack of self awareness. You can't even realize that you were being passive aggressive, like you have been in this entire thread, yet you insinuate that OTHERS are the dumb ones. Literally in your opening line you said it was "my thing" to be rude and not read things, even though I read ALL of your replies. So NO, you were NOT being polite. And nah, I like this photo that's why I use it. 

    You will never drop this argument, it's why you're in here after 3 months. Imagine being you and spending all your free time arguing with random people online and never dropping the topic LOL.

    Bet $100 you'll respond to this with more passive aggression and with additional displays of no self awareness. 

  • Moor

    Yes, the cooldown should be less aggressive. I am not a serial avatar changer but when I do it usually takes me a few tries to find one I actually like and/or I have a few options I want to try because I try and make it match my username color across all servers. Ten minutes is just really aggressive. 

  • Usaya

    Bless this thread for being 10+ minutes of pointless blather to read. It helped me get through two pointless avatar cooldowns in sequence! I am thrilled that anyone else suffering can easily find this thread and bond with the others about how this rule sucks. As a bonus, we also get to reaffirm that the people supporting the cooldown aren't making any impressive arguments. Nice! Can't wait for more updates in this thread for the next time I need to wait around. Keep em coming DarkHeraldMage.


    How can DarkHerald lack this much awareness? He thinks he is some sort of business master or techgod but doesn't even understand that this function is literally standard in all social media websites. Doesn't understand pleasing the user and prioritizing them. Absolutely stubborn as hell, will go nowhere in life with such a closed mind. 

  • N0X

    It's hilarious that you still don't understand what a square is. Take a look at yourself with that brainpower comment. Dimensions are irrelevant, Discord would treat 150x150 the same as it would treat 500x500. One day you might understand that. I'm done arguing with you, you're simply not worth the time.


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