Make automatic idle an option to be disabled.
I don't speak on behalf on everyone, but it be great if auto idle, when your status is automatically put to Idle after like 5-10 minutes, would have an option to be disabled if you wish not to let Discord force you to be put on Idle if you haven't chatted or checked Discord for 5-10 minutes. I don't always want to stop what I'm doing just so Discord won't put me on Idle automatically nor forcing myself to switch to Do Not Disturb so it won't show an Idle status after 5-10 minutes when I'd prefer to be Online.
Sorry for the rant, but I think it would be a great feature to add.
yes discord do it for my buddy
12 -
Or at least make it so a user can set the amount of time before auto-idle kicks in
41 -
This is a basic function of most chatting applications, there's no reason why Discord shouldnt have it.
Make it so that we can set an amount of time before idle status kicks in automatically. I want to be online constantly when I'm in proximity to my computer.
Its infuriating that I cant make myself permanently online and then be trusted to set myself to away when im actually away.
33 -
I'd also like this to be a thing, for me it's because I've noticed that idle messes with Spotify syncing when listening to music with friends.
I have a particular friend who likes to go off and do things while listening to music with me, but every time she goes idle, the sync disconnects and she finds it rather frustrating ^_^'.
Being able to turn off auto-idle would be a quick fix, or just allow Spotify sync to work when idle but I'm not quite sure the specifics for that one o.o. I think it'd be easier just to add a "disable auto-idle" switch in settings, or at the very least like 'WICKED_AWS0ME' said extend the timer as having a longer time to connect back to the app would be less frustrating.
Please kindly consider ~18 -
Good idea. Maybe they can just make an option to set the delay as well. 13 -
I'll be honest, I just don't want people to know whether or not I'm actively using the computer. The automatic idle status prevents me from doing that. I know I can switch to Do Not Disturb mode, but that prevents me from receiving notifications. And Invisible mode may make people think I'm not there at all.
It's a privacy thing. I just want to be online, not switching statuses based on my activity. I'm not aware of any other major IM platform that doesn't give you at least some control over this.
28 -
Yeah a option to turn off the auto away or set the time for it would be great.
Sometimes I'm not using the computer while reading/writing something or even AT the computer when just resting at the sofa or bed, but still close from it, and avaible if anyone want to talk to me, still the auto away make it seens I'm not at all, what aways trouble me, don't want to have to every 10 min have to walk to the computer and push the mouse or click something just to avoid Disc showing me as away.11 -
I'd like to drop my two cents to the pile!
Discord sets me up as AFK even if I'm on my PC, doing stuff actively, with the discord window not active.
I don't even move away from my keyboard yet discord goes "Oh hey, they haven't selected the discord window in 10 minutes, must be afk!" while I'm typing away happily in game or browsing the internet?
So you know, discord please could you let us set the time and/or disable to auto-change? Like every other program does? Please. Pretty please :/ Seriously. Not a hard thing to do, I assume.
14 -
Yes. I would like this to be a thing. Please.
5 -
Lacking this feature I turned to always being away because when being away the program doesn't interfere with my command. Ha! I tricked it... lel =D
Seriously tho - I fail to comprehend how people can implement an auto-away functionality and then consider it a good idea to leave out the option to turn it off. It's better to not have the software take some action on my behalf than having to work against the software design in order to have it do as I wish.
In short: please add this, so I can get a green dot too. Always being orange makes me bananas.
11 -
We need better moderator tools/powers! Mods should have the power to stop people to sending messages without making a role that strips them of their ability to chat. I should be able to click on a person's name and put them in timeout or something. Something where they can see what's going on but not chat. It doesn't seem right that the only powers we have are kick and ban.
3 -
this please, I want to be constantly online, I hate it when I watch a movie on my PC, so I'm right there, but I have to bring discord up, so it doesn't send me to idle
5 -
Discord pleawwe
3 -
Come on discord it's been a year already please....
3 -
It can't take that long..
Can it?3 -
Yes please
2 -
... you could use robotjs to check for your mouse position every 5 minutes, if it's the same as before, click the mouse. That does seem to stop the issue.
2 -
3 -
allways online should be a thing if you wanted it.
the idle thing away invisible etc etc.
as others say. let us have the option to choose. sometimes i wanna be away or not disturbed then i click on it. if i wanna have the idle feature to do its thing i can turn it on. yes yes
3 -
I wonder why this is not already there after a year.
Looking at the app, it already have everything they need. The settings already show an afkTimeout, just need add an extra idle variable to indicate if it's enable or not and update handleIdleUpdate.. maybe something like u.default.idle_enable / I.default.idleEnable ? :D
I know that even a small change take time, but this is not something hard. If you don't want to add the option because of the way the application works (idle channels, etc), just let the people here know and kill the waiting ;)
Thanks for your great work with the app!
4 -
!!!! i agree 100% with this. i just wanna listen to music without it putting me to idle all the timee
3 -
Please let us adjust auto-idle time. Thank you!
2 -
Sorry to contradict the OP, but it seems that, yes, you do speak for everyone.
4 -
Absolutely agree. Not being able to switch auto idle off is super annoying.
2 -
This is something the users want, and have been requested for over 1 year.. It can't be THAT hard to code for the developers.
I also want this feature.. It is annoying it moves me to AFK in the middle of a game because I didn't say anything for like 5min..
It messes with the good feeling for the application.4 -
Hello. Me and my friend thought of an idea for you guys to add to discord. Instead of just the dark and white theme, could you guys add more colors? And for nitro users, people could upload a photo for the theme so the photo would be the background. Also can you guys add the ability to change the color of the text?
-5 -
I'm someone who chooses to use the Web Client of Discord rather than the downloadable one. As such, I experience a weird error where if I'm focused on that tab and chatting for 10-to-15 minutes and don't do anything else, Discord decides that I must be Idle. When this happens, I start getting those "New!" message lines and can't get rid of them. Being "Idle" on the web client also pushes notifications to my mobile device whether I actually have Discord open or not.
I don't care for any of that.
If adding an option to disable "auto-idle" would fix this, that would be great. If not, I guess I'll just continue to live with it because, dog gone it, Discord is too good of a chat client to stop using over something like that.
1 -
I concur, a silly thing to leave out. It's not like they'd have to reprogram all of Discord. Just a simple integration to what's already there
3 -
Yes, please. To be honest the automatic switch to idle annoys me. Please put in an option to toggle this off.
4 -
Another case this is an issue:
In VoD Reviews of WoW Raids or Overwatch matches, often each player (from their PoV) focused in order with just a few comments to the other players, that don't require a response. More often than not, Dicord break the stream, moves me to another channel and additionally causes a notification for everyone else in the channel, that I "left" and on trying to rejoin, everyone gets the notification to rejoin ... And I keep hitting a bug, that forces me to restart Discord entirely, because the Video stream can not be started again ...
After more than 2 years still not implementend and NOT EVEN RESPONDED by Staff?!5
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