Bulk Actions


Комментариев: 101

  • Doc

    i think its necesary the "Bulk delete" sound better than use bots for remove all messages... or put id´s message for this..

  • bastet_of_orion

    That would make managing servers way easier - I think a "confirm action(s)" option ought to be rolled into this in case of accidental clicks.

  • I think is a good idea for a "Bulk Delete" of msg, like Telegram or WhatsApp style

  • Glenn McGrew

    Moderators: The following requests ALL mention being able to selectively delete multiple messages at a time (aka bulk deletion). I only looked at the first 20 or so pages, so there may be others related to the topic of being able to delete multiple messages

    I'd like to suggest that these threads be combined where possible.
    Checkboxes, but for mroe than just deleting messages:

    Bulk deleting based on age and specific user(s):
    Unclear method:

  • ♤alan♤

    I think this would be a great idea. As of now, I am not sure if you can bulk sync permissions in a category. That would be such a great help and cut down the amount of time spent going through each channel in order to make sure the change I did takes effect in all the channels. I'm thinking, it's not automatic- it could be as if you press 'sync all channels' and 'sync all except xx' or 'sync (select channels from a list)'

  • Stagmattica

    I need a way to assign one role to 50+ members at once and that isn't currently possible, sadly.

  • TheRubyJailCell

    I need this, I have an old server with too many channels, but a bunch that I want to keep, and it'd be really good if I could selete the unused channels all to be deleted

  • dustii

    This feature is a must have! For example, revamping servers to run cleaner etc... you can remove roles from everyone or select people at once, add roles, you can select multiple channels to move then, sync certain ones at once, or even change permissions for specific or all channels at once- it would be such a time-saver and saves lots and lots of individual clicks. We need this!!

  • Underscore

    Agree !

    For now only bots allow to do some !clear @player or !clear xx
    But sometimes you don't want to delete all from a player or the last msg ^^

  • AngelxDemon

    I just wanna clear a whole history of messages without having to ban someone


  • Ruffles

    There should be a way to do it without using a bot. I shouldn't have to invite a bot to do this one simple task. Besides all of the bots that I cam across only assign roles with reactions or with joins/timers.

  • Jesse

    I have a few people in my office that would love this. Mass message deletion should definitely be a thing.

  • Nazrin

    That appears to be a command for a specific bot and a bulk clear role is not present in the API reference...


  • Nazrin

    Donovan_DMC taking hours isn't an option, the role would need to be readily available for when a users restarts an event (which usually occurs minutes after a previous event finishes and if a separate tasks overlap removing a user then, that would kind of defeat the whole purpose of the role).

    Also, I'd rather not impact the bots responsiveness...

  • Teal'c

    This would most certainly be efficient for the Network IO side of things

  • ShipmasterKyle

    Bulk Actions should also support deleting all the channels under a category. It's so annoying when I have to delete each channel one by one.


    +1 - Seems so silly that the 2 are connected to one another

  • FAIR

    у меня тоже



  • redridr86

    or just a delete all on the server options


  • Hexeract

    Many bots give you the option to prune a certain persons messages. Using MEE6, you can clear someones messages using !clear [amount] [member]

  • SuperViki

    You are not the only one here.. Have the same problem.. If there is this option I would be happy.. Hope they add that soon

  • 10 🌈
    Pro-tip: Holding shift while selection emotes doesn't close the emoji picker.
  • Cross

    Ok I feel like an idiot.. Thanks Ten

  • GeigerCounter

    I would think it would be better for it to be a right click option as an X would take up precious space and be too easy for an admin to click by accident. Still gets a thumbs up from me.


  • Isabel
    If you hold shift while selecting an emoji, the panel will stay open. ;)
  • Atmos

    With some of these basic things I can't understand how discord didn't do it in the first place.

  • Miku

    @Atmos Yea Discord really needs more precise permissions, I miss teamspeak permissions where you could be extremely specific about what users could and could not do.

  • kabii

    Though I don't agree that making it for server owners only is what every single server would want, I do think it makes sense to separate it onto a different permission as it's currently granted with "kick members".

    Edit: the feedback post has been edited, ignore this 

  • DarkWise

    *aka purge*


  • moonlightcapital
    Se sei in un server, puoi farlo tramite un bot.

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