Exact search


Комментариев: 166

  • Granette Riepoulsson

    its too hard for programmers to program a simple function

  • peacej

    it's tremendously frustrating to not be able to exact search

  • /\ngel

    I believe the exact search is disabled both for security and optimization measures, though ^^

  • Providence

    Security for who? optimizing for what? why are users like these defending discord's lazy ass by giving lame bullshit excuses?

  • Providence

    I am going to push this weekly if it doesn't get done by the end of july

  • ThorZ

    What surprises me is that no one from Discord has actually responded or commented about this. It is kind of disappointing really.

  • Tesseract

    "they'll only take it seriously if it reaches a few thousand votes."

    Probably the Discord team doesn't even know that this proposal exists at the moment. We're going to need a lot more support.

  • clayclayclay

    Discord, how does it feel that www.coolmathgames.com, a website made for babies, has exact search implemented correctly and discord does not? Here, I'll link to the contact page so you can ask them how they did it: https://www.coolmathgames.com/contact-us. Here's a draft for you:

    Dear Cool Math Games, how did you implement exact search for your website? Our top devs at discord have been researching for the past five months but we have made little progress. We've thought about googling it, but that seems kind of complicated. PS. please don't use any big words in your response, we don't know how to do an exact search in the dictionary so we won't be able to understand it. Sincerely, Discord.

  • /\ngel

    clayclayclay, https://youtu.be/7PJBqlnKC28

    Just a very general example:

    $q = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM `messages` WHERE `messageBody` LIKE :keyword;');
    $q->bindValue(':keyword', '%'.$keyword.'%');

    while ($found = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))
        // Process $found

    Add some RegEx support and additional security measures and voilà!

  • disco

    Sadly, probably one of us will hack it into their code before they get to it. 

  • Providence

    Looks like 351 updoots in a 5 month post isn't enough!

  • ketchupfoot

    We need this. NOW.

  • Providence

    I submitted an issue and it was closed by discord one day after this John Nico guy "passed the issue to an colleague"

  • Providence

    If anyone is looking to make this happen go to here and submit a request for it


  • lordyoyo

    Do NOT submit a separate request for this -_- THIS THREAD is the request for it, if you want to make it happen, popularize this, instead of making another one. This is not a bug, so there is no use directly bothering Discord with it. The only way this will happen is if this post gets thousands, possibly tens of thousands of upvotes. It will happen either with time, or by it going viral. So if you want to speed it up, then post it in your servers' off-topic channels. DO NOT SPAM IT! Just make people aware of it, once. This is the only way that you can help, since the only thing that matters for this to be implemented fast, is the number of upvotes it has.

  • /\ngel

    lordyoyo, of course. Additional topics are quite unnecessary in general and may result in augmented confusion or misunderstanding. Meanwhile, I believe the developer knows the situation and centralized activity like this particular request may highlight the prominence.

  • Warlocc

    lordyoyo "Not a bug"? When I search a word and get a totally different word, that's the definition of a bug.

  • lordyoyo

    No, as much as it sounds like a joke, that's a feature. With the current search system you shouldn't be expecting to ONLY get the exact search results, but also similar words. You still get what you wanted to search for, it's just that it's mixed in with the approximate results. So it works as intended... as they intended. I, and apparently the people who have also upvoted and/or commented here, want it to either work differently, or at least to have the ability to make it work without the approximate results.

  • Providence

    The CS rep that responded to my ticket got his own name wrong, discord is not sending their best people here

  • Providence

    Let's see if they give out canned response to my ticket again

  • tdb

    If it actually returned approximate results, like different declensions of the same word, that would be fine.  Synonyms and typos are pushing it, since sometimes it's important to look for a particular word from a group of synonyms, or a name of a product may have an intentional typo (think Flickr vs. flicker).  But this thread has a few examples of a completely different word being returned.  So yes, I consider that a bug.  It's a trend with big search engines like Google too, and it's equally annoying there.  But at least those provide a syntax for searching for exactly what I want.

    I was able to find a couple more examples by trying different words:

    imported != important

    informal != information

  • Brand

    Someone mentioned making the exact search a filter like:

    exact:"Taco Bell"

    I like that idea because it allows the original search feature to remain (because I'm sure some people like it), while also giving us the additional functionality that we want.

    In regards to getting noticed by the devs, maybe some reddit or Twitter posts will help bring attention to this thread.

  • lordyoyo

    It doesn't matter if you consider it a bug or not, since it still isn't one. As long as it also returns the exact matches (and it does), it's not a bug. It's intended to work like this. Please stop barking up the wrong tree and saying it's a bug, since it won't get treated as a bug and "solved" with a bug report. It's a feature, that we don't like, that's why we're here to request a change to it.

  • lordyoyo

    Brand You're right, I mentioned spreading it on Discord, since it's a Discord-specific issue, but sure, it could be advertised on different platforms too. All I'm asking is that nobody spams it.

  • Providence

    How can you even have the audacity to think your method "works" when your post got zero attention from discord in all these 5 months and my support request getting a real staff reply within 10 hours?

    If you are sitting on your ass begging politely of course they will ignore you, because they too can sit on their asses and do nothing, with no consequence.

    Let's see which method works better, you do you and keep kowtowing

  • noobo

    Everyone please chill out, we all have the same goal here! Before this degenerates into useless arguments which Discord staff might decide to delete for having hate-speech or whatever, thereby defeating the entire point!

    IMO, the co-existence of a feature request as well as a bug report isn't a bad thing, people can vote for both. I agree with both of your arguments, in that search is broken, and that it might be viewed as a feature request internally by Discord staff. The fact that they acknowledged it is a good start. This is a battle and there are several fronts that need attention.

  • lordyoyo

    Providence Because I also started with contacting them, and just like they did with you, they told me too to come to this forum. And I can see that the highly voted posts get answered or even implemented. On the other hand features that they won't ever implement also get answered. In this way, we know that this is something that could come in the future, when it has enough support = votes. They already told you that this feedback is what matters, and you can also see in the forum how many other suggestions there are that they'll take care of first, because they have more votes. So keep your bullshit to yourself please, if you want to help, then spread this, otherwise stop deluding yourself and others into thinking that talking to one of their reps actually matters or changes anything. Your so-called "real staff reply" was the same stock message I also got from them months ago, so I really don't understand how you actually have the audacity to brag about it -_-

  • /\ngel

    It's worth to mention suggestion request procedure step messages and Discord ToS which may highlight relevant information:

    https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/213490807-Where-can-I-submit-Feature-Requests-Feedback-and-Suggestions- :

    https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/topics :

    https://discord.com/terms :


    IMHO multiple suggestion topics with the same request are generally bad-mannered.and may be considered misbehaviour.

  • Providence

    Let me highlight it here for you because you need it:

    If you did not notice (you did not), they are called support requests. Point me out where everyone posting their own support request violates the ToS. You can't because there's none.


  • Providence

    The part in the Feedback Section in the ToS also doesn't even say anything about the actual content of the feedbacks, even at (ii). First you defend discord for their inaction then you try to use the non-existent possible-ToS violation to scare away any possible beneficial action that isn't done in your liking. Good job man, that's why it's not being implemented


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