[Bug] Emoji/Image size inconsistency
С ответомI found a great animated emoji used by someone on some server. I tried saving it so that I can upload it to my personal server as server emoji. However, after saving it to my PC, the file size is 267kb which is too big to be uploaded as server emoji because of the 256kb size limit.
I asked the person to send me the original copy of the image via Firefox Send and it's only 241kb big.
Why is this inconsistency exists? It is as though the image is enlarged by Discord after it was first uploaded by that person as server emoji.
I was using the web version on desktop browser, Firefox 66.0.3.
You can compare the images from the links below.
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Hi, sorry you're having this problem. If you'd like help in troubleshooting your issue, please fill out this form: https://dis.gd/contact However, since this website is for suggestions on new features to add to Discord I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.
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