Transfer Ownership in Group DMs


Комментариев: 25

  • Woolley

    Also if the owner of a group DM leaves, the person who had joined after them is automatically appointed the new owner, even if that account was deleted since. I've witnessed both cases:

    - Group DM owner deletes account -> the deleted account stays the group's owner

    - Group DM owner leaves the group, next person in line is the person with the deleted account -> deleted account becomes new owner

    That's just stupid. Plain and simple. Ideally the person who deletes their account should be forced to appoint a new group DM owner and the group DM owner who leaves a group DM should be forced to appoint a new owner as well. Changing ownership in group DM has to be made a thing first of all anyway.


    Discord doesn't care to much about groups but are better than servers

  • Darth
    So pretty much transfer ownership of a group? Sounds good :)
  • Draco
    How is this not a thing yet?
  • Detective_YT

    Was about to make a post about this.

    Glad someone made one already.

  • I was about to make a post about this until i realized someone already did LOL. can't believe it hasn't been implemented yet, but i guess Discord's adding so many things and maybe they'll get to this one last. hopefully they think it's a good idea, i personally think it is. I'd love to transfer ownership of a group dm to this account since i just moved accounts today.

  • P0kin

    transfering ownership in group dms is so much better than having the owner leave and have a gamble to which gets the ownership

  • Correct everyone!!!! 

  • MaliciousIdeas

    Very cool

  • Jeb Peanut

    kk cool

  • coldyy

    I would like that, the setting of change ownership in group. Just like in the server, as the owner, we can change the owner of it.

  • Jeb Peanut

    I'm on pc and I never quite understood how to use the extra things like kicking the owner has. How do I do it?

  • Skrillz

    +1, Transfering ownership in a group dm should be a thing.

  • Naruto Shippuden Uncut

    How do I promote or leave without clicking the X mark? I can't find the group chat in the side bar....


  • Echu

    We need this

  • cat


  • Yolwoocle

    I'd love this too. It's bizarre that it's not already implemented

  • Yeah, I'm Alex

    Discord is literally one of the worst apps for this sole reason. I understand why the are not adding group ownership transfer, they wanna keep it simple. But you cannot transfer it even if the owner is deleted???? Like I am sending you a support ticket so you can help me, not tell me you cannot do that. That is literally a -2iq play right there for you. Now I have a 3-year-old group chat, more memories than the discord staff will ever make and the owner is a deleted user. Congrats discord, you did it again. I am telling you the fall of discord is coming soon and I am going to enjoy every bit of it.

  • GamyIan


  • denisse

    i need this right now

  • anex

    not sure why they haven't already added this

  • itsmias

    Please add :D


  • loenly

    need this 

  • Yoyo


    i have a 3 year group dm owned by a deleted user. I can't believe default isn't to transfer, feels extremely sad and punishing to those who arent even involved in the decision

  • Haz

    Was going to create a thread, but this one already  exists, so might as well.

    I notice that when you leave a group DM as the owner of the group, the role is randomly assigned to another group member. It might be helpful to ask if you'd like to pass the role to someone specific before you leave.
    I know you can do this before you leave the group, but I think it should be part of the pop-up box that asks you to confirm leaving the group (and if you don't want to leave a notification doing so).


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