callkit option for ios
Завершеноi would like an option to disable callkit because i use discord to go on call with my s/o for a long time and this really drains my battery, so i’d like an option to disable it or to revert it so it’ll be like the previous version
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Hey all, we've just added ability to allow you to disable this in settings > notifications. If you have it disabled, incoming calls will be sent as a push notification.
agreed, the callkit is extremely annoying
45 -
Agreed. It’s killing my battery so quickly.
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Agreed, I appreciate my privacy to decide whether or not I want the names of my group chats and dms displayed on my screen or not and how long I was in them stored on my iPhone call history please.
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Stroooong agree. really hope they let us toggle.
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I agree with Makitkaster. The callkit is by far the dumbest update. I use this app to call people without it being tacked because of personal reasons. Having it saved to my phone for my account to see is really inconvenient. It’s the whole reason I use this app. So my calm history isn’t tracked. Either enable a toggle feature or take it off
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All of these are amazing points. Callkit sucks MAJOR donkeys. I can't lock my screen. It drains my battery massively, it burns the image of the call into my screen temporarily, it makes my phone get hot from running the same screen for so long...etc. its just altogether bad for me and as i can see: for others as well
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Callkit integration has entirely ruined my user experience for this application. Please make this optional or I will be forced to cease using your service. It wasn't broke, and didn't need fixing.
It should be noted that if my phone is locked, and I receive a notification while on a Discord call, my phone unlocks and the call screen takes over. I do not use autolock, and when this occurs it never returns back to the screen being off. This is a user experience breaking update.
It also doesn’t properly utilize the facial proximity detect to lock the screen when you lift the phone to your face.
You can't push this off on Apple, there are numerous applications that utilize callkit without the types of trouble this is causing, and they also provide the option to toggle usage of the integration.26 -
Please revert it!
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Couldn't agree more, I feel if people like the change then it shouldn't be reverted for them, but PLEASE Discord add an option to turn it off!
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Agreed, really needs a toggle option
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I agree that callkit integration should be an OPTION not a requirement. I get 10-15 discord calls a night at minimum. I don’t need my call log being that disgustingly cluttered by calls I do or don’t take on discord. I use discord because it seamlessly goes between mobile and desktop as an app- I don’t want it to be that integrated in phone.
I also don’t need the iOS call screen forced upon me. I have to click once to open my phones screen and it goes to call, then click again to open the lock screen, then AGAIN to open my phone. That’s 3 clicks just to unlock while I’m in a discord call. This absolutely thrashes my battery and I’m not able to stay in discord calls as long. I actually replaced my phone battery recently for the actual purpose of being able to be on discord calls longer with my significant other, who is 400 miles away. Yes we use regular calls too, but they didn’t drain my battery near as much as this combination of discord data usage + callkit screen usage.
Also, I go to school in the day. Discord calls now ring like regular phone calls which is WAY more annoying to deal with in classes than just getting a Push notification. Please discord... make it optional...
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Another update to those following this thread. I have been emailing the support team and they have taken note to the complaints on the callkit feature. I was told they will take note of this and it will be passed on to the support team to try and find a way to toggle it off
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Discord was really good until the callkit thing was integrated. Please discord devs take it away or at least give us an option to turn it off. I get calls like these Im class and it annoys me and my teacher
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Also I can’t listen to music while on the app anymore what the duck! I have to go to my music app first then go on the call other wise it won’t load. I used to click twice on my mic to skip a song but apparently that disconnects me from the call instead! Please just bring old discord back! If it wasn’t broken then there is no need to fix it
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This has made my experience with this app worse probably going to move to team speak because this is bull
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I just got word back from someone in the support team. Apparently Apple themselves added the feature and discord adopted it. So this isn’t discord’s fault it’s apples
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I fully agree, I want callkit optional at the very least.
Having it automatically integrated not only wreaks havoc on my battery, but now makes discord useless to me in the way of calls for personal reasons. I love Discord, I really do, but this update makes me more than unhappy and if Im being completely honest, if this update isn’t changed soon I will have to go back to using other apps/services for a lot.
Im honestly surprised that this feature isnt already optional, usually Discord is really good about making a lot of their stuff optional...6 -
I agree. I'm not as concerned about the battery draining as much as the lack of privacy resulting from names showing up on my lock screen. I an highly against the update and wish to see an option to disable it in the near future.
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I've been using discord for the past couple years now, been a really big fan about it until this kitcall thing has come out, I was kinda disappointed when they removed the earpiece speakerphone from the options and just left the speakerphone but I learned to deal with it. I mainly use discord to be discrete about things but this doesn't help that, it's only made it worse, I use discord for a lot of different uses on a day to day basis, I get calls often and maybe sometimes spammed, it only clutters up my call log... I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I bet some people like it but there should most definitely be a way to turn it off.
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I just want to see notifications of messages and not calls. As of now, when someone calls me, it displays it like a regular phone call that i can even leave without responding to it.
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I agree. If it can’t be removed fully, please let us toggle it off. Whenever I am called on discord and want to answer from my phone, it rings like a normal call not on the app. If I answer it that way, my mic isn’t picked up and I can’t hear the other person. I have to disconnect and reconnect. Or I have to deny the call, then open Discord and connect there. And if I call someone, they can’t hear me unless I disconnect and reconnect.
If I lock my phone, I get disconnected from the call. If a timer or alarm of any kind goes off on my phone, I have to disconnect and reconnect because my mic stops being picked up.
I love Discord. I really do. But this Callkit integration is horrible. There are nothing but issues with it. I loved that Discord was separate from the phonecall system.
My fiancé has Discord on his Android, and he never has issues like this. We use Discord to talk all the time, because we’re in a long distance relationship at the moment. It’s already stressful enough at times, without worrying about Discord working properly or not.
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Do you mean you want to remove Discord calls from your iOS phone app call history/recent calls? 3 -
"But the battery thing isn't true at all, quite the opposite happens. Using CallKit as a native framework should save some battery life because calls will be backgrounded."
Except they're not. And every time you get a notification your screen turns on and the call screen comes to the foreground, which if you do not use autolock on the phone, never goes away on its own. Not even if you have AirPods connected and put the phone in your pocket. The screen will remain on until manually locked. (which is NOT how it's supposed to work) This causes increased battery drain.
Also you can't make the claim that multiple people are not experiencing a behavior, simply by claiming "battery life SHOULD be better because this is how its SUPPOSED to work." What you're saying and what are actually happening are two totally different things.3 -
I agree with this all thread... Callkit is such a pain, it drains my battery and even disconnect me several time a row for no reason? There should be an option like skype did, I can’t even see my notifications when my phone is locked. Please make an update !
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First the removed the option to turn off speaker phone, and now this. I'm unsubscribing from discord nitro.
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Uninstalled discord from my iPhone since calls from my discord group chats were too disruptive while I’m at work. Even disabling notifications wouldn’t stop the calls from showing on lock screen. I want an option to disable call kit and have discord calls show up instead as a regular simple notification that can be easily dismissed.
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I can't believe they still have not addressed this.
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I completely agree. This feature is terrible and destroys my battery and makes my phone heat up so much
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