Microphone Muffled/Echo issues on Android
С ответомEver since there was an update to my phone (Galaxy S9+) back a month ago, my friends have complained that my built-in mic is muffled and will occasionally echo audio back to them. This is a discord specific issue, as phone calls and other apps that use my microphone have no issues with the other person being able to hear me. I have tried everything including turning echo cancellation on and off, changing from commucation mode to call mode, changing the settings for OpenSL ES, etc. I'm at a loss for what I need to do to fix this issue.
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Hi, sorry you're having this problem. If you'd like help in troubleshooting your issue, please fill out this form: https://dis.gd/contact However, since this website is for suggestions on new features to add to Discord I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.
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