Allow for an option to turn off Server Boosting.
As far as I know, setting a vanity url is completely optional. If you ever set a vanity url, there will be a remove button for that url too. 0 -
boosting at the moment is not a finalized feature, nor has it been released in final public builds in any way, I would wait until the feature has been rolled out, or if you are in a testing server, I would recommend providing feedback through there
EDIT: Looks like its getting rolled out right now in small amounts, But I do agree
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For the vanity URL, if you don't define it, it'll not be activated. 0 -
I concur, as an owner of a Server of around 50 people - I see it as utterly pointless, and would love an option to prevent my Members from wasting their Boosts on a Server that will never make use of them!
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Yes, I agree completely. I personally don't like this feature, it would be cool to have a toggle switch to disable it. Awesome! 0 -
Yes, really an amazing idea. I agree to you. Have an upvote from me. 😉 0 -
what's server boosting? seeing stuff about it a lot on the feedback page
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Have an upvote from me. I liked this suggestion. 0 -
Yes, I agree, or blacklist specific users from boosting. (E.g you have certain permissions on the role that you don't want x member to inherit because of an infraction) 0 -
this should've really been implemented in the first place.. i find it weird that it isn't an option
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There's nothing this community is more famous for than asking for the ability to disable literally everything. With that being said, I completely support this suggestion.
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While I support this, I highly doubt this will be added
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bumping this, as the option still does not exist. currently feeling Extremely Ticked Off because someone boosted my server for a quick joke and then wasn't able to cancel the boost after I told him to because it was the one that came with his (cancelled!) nitro subscription. APPARENTLY the boost can't be removed, only transferred... EXCEPT IT'S ON A MULTIPLE-DAY COUNTDOWN. I want this stupid boost OFF my server. I want NO BOOSTS EVER on my server. LET US DISABLE RECEIVING BOOSTS, DISCORD.
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