Custom Status not displaying/showing


Комментариев: 35

  • Wierzba391

    I have the same problem

  • harshtruth

    Same, the only way for it to show up (that I know of) is to set it up on PC but as soon as I turn my pc off the custom status just doesnt show up anymore.

  • Fishsticks

    yeah same here

  • Miamis

    Yeah, same with me, on PC-version my status is shown, same on my Android-Tablet, but on my Android-10-mobile phone it still doesn't appear after like 2 months... I was glad if you could help me!

  • Ucayali

    Same problem. Fix or workaround would be welcome.

  • Loveless

    Duhh I got the same problem

  • ;-;

    The Status won't be visible if you are in invisible mode;-;

  • I also have the same problem.

  • guys this isnt a real fix but, i also have this problem, what i do is a keep changing my status to whatever and then changing it back like, online, to idle and i also go to the custom status and go and edit it but dont change it and just save, it stays for a bit until you have to do it again

  • Notato

    This can easily be fixed, The Problem is the Status, The “Do not Disturb“ Status doesn‘t allow one to see the “Custom“ status, So put your status to something else to see it. If it‘s STILL not working, Try disabling all apps that wrecks such content, Like, Games and Music. Still not working? Go to Custom Status And put on “Don‘t Clear“ then hit in your new Custom Status, And it should work.

  • Happy-Go-Lucky

    OMG same problem zee the weirdo

  • Blu

    Ok so simple fix peoples! I had same issue for about 5 min.... then I noticed peoples status and it was showing what game they were playing.... ah ha! Simply go into your settings and scroll down to "game activity" and turn off that feature as it overrides your status! Enjoy

  • Zee The Weirdo

    I'm not sure if this problem surged up again but today a few hours ago I have started having the same issue, normally the custom status does show up where you can see your profile at the bottom left but your custom status doesn't show up where you can see the member list, the only thing that is visible is your activity (Listening to Spotify, Playing a game, etc.)
                                               (These images are not edited, the only image that has been modified is the last one hiding my Discord tag)

  • Society

    fix yo shit discord

  • Society

    people cant see my awesome status

  • pangz_

    same Society^^

  • pangz_

    I honestly thought I was the only one tbh 

  • Society

    fr same, literally thought i was going crazy LOL


  • pangz_

    LMAOOO I was legit on YouTube for the past few hours now until I found these types of comments LOL

  • pangz_

    hey Society if u see my comments

    go on discord and see if ur status works because mine is working now

    Have a great day fam it was nice talking to you

    here's my main account


  • i think it gets removed when you close the app

  • Miamis

    Well, my custom status got fixed now, I think it's the problem with every single mobile, and discord will change yours asap.
    Thanks for your help and time, I hope they'll fix it in the next days. :)

  • Blu

    Even if you are not playing a game which i wasnt it would dissappear... I think that feature just kept searching for whatever other app you were on.

  • Misaki

    I turned my game activity off, but then it just disappears...
    I don't even have a computer.

  • iRDM

    Thank you, Blu! Worked like a charm!

  • serotonin

    i dont have game activity i only have activity status

  • IEatParfumeStuffBtw

    Same here and I can’t even do the buttons like online idle dnd steamer ect! It’s weird. And btw how do I do  playing a game

  • Daxxyy33

    Same I'm having this problem rn I hope mine gets fix soon tbh 

    It's honestly still the same since the morning it's the first time it's happening 


  • Daxxyy33

    but it works on my iPhone but not my PC 

  • Society



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