Linux - Screen Share Sound Support
With Screen Sharing sound already supported on Windows, I would like Screen Sharing to be supported for Discord on Linux as well.
Gaming on Linux exists and does relatively well despite what many naysayers think or wish to believe and having this support for users such as myself would make this less frustrating.
(Not to mention that we're not even mentioned in the supported platforms art along with the other logos at the bottom of the site's webpages...)
I agree. Gaming on Linux is very important to support now.
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I do want to see the audio screen sharing feature on Linux! :)
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If hope they will support Pipewire in the future.
I think it should enable audio streaming support for single windows.
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Sadly, Discord doesn't even support streaming a Chrome browser tab an Linux. Neither does it on Windows afaik. Other websites like Jitsi support it.
It may work in the future, if they decide to update the Electron version Discord is using and update their webapp (I'm not sure about that).
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Actually, Discord seems to support streaming browser tabs with audio. Thanks!
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I agree.
It's kinda frustrating have to boot to windows whenever I want to share my gameplay or anything else.56 -
Please enable share audio in Linux!!!
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I would really like to see this fixed soon, it is kinda getting annoying when i want to show someone something but they cant hear it :(
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I have been wanting to stream audio on Linux as well. :( My friend who is using chrome OS which is based on Linux does allow the sharing of audio but actual Linux distros we can't get that to work.
So sad. I've been trying the Discord PTB and Discord Canary versions as well just to see if one of those gets that one update that will let me share audio on Linux.3 -
Currently application audio can be redirected using Soundux: (It just mixed the application sound with the microphone).
The Discord devs may want to have the look Soundux source code which somehow captures the application audio. Or they could somehow support PipeWire ( in the future. (Does Electron support PipeWire?)
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2021 and screen-share and wayland with issues ? c'mon !
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wayland issues is because it's running under Xwayland
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This is one of the biggest reasons I'm still using Windows. God, please fix so I can just move to Arch full-time.
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This is entirely possible with pulseaudio too, an example of how this could work is the program Soundux
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Such a simple feature that should already be implemented, they can't just say "oh hey you can screen share on Linux now, but we half assed the job and didn't bother implementing audio streaming lol" what a joke.
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Yes please!!
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On Google Chrome and I would believe in any chromium based browser there is a flag for pipewire where you can use pipewire to display stuff. Don't know the details of it. But maybe Discord can somehow add that feature soon in discord. What I really want is to share audio because sharing my display is something I can do kinda but no audio. I'm sure most if not everyone are having the issue as well.
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it doesnt even need to be neat, just allow us to have a separate audio stream when we go live that we could route audio to, that's the bare minimum that would make a lot of people happy
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I would also really appreciate if this would be supported.
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Gaming on linux is a real thing, I'm using Linux as a daily driver and I love discord. But I hate it when people say things like "linux is crap" "linux is not as good as windows" and then I try to clarify that this might not be the case, but when I want to stream a single monitor or a windows with sound, I can't do that.
I would really love to see this feature on Linux because it is very powerful and there are so many things you can do with it.57 -
Leetsch2002, just so you know, Single monitor screen sharing works in discord canary since about one month :)
Hopefully sound will follow soon
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Please, sound in screen sharing on Linux is really needed
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You can use Soundux as a workaround to share an application's sound.
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Please finally support this. It is a hassle no one can ever hear anything I'm streaming in Discord.. And Game-Streaming is pretty pointless without Audio.3 -
These days I'm quite sure gaming on Linux is more common then mac. But Linux still never receive things before mac
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Iso I also feel like this but the Steam Survey doesn't confirm this
See (click on OS Version)
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Well, Mac has it now and it doesn't support even a fraction of games that linux does. Would be nice to have this feature here as well, especially since Pipewire is a thing and can help with porting the functionality.
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