Banned only moments after warning email recieved.


Комментариев: 20

  • snake

    Everything the user says is true. The minor made several threats against the user's life, The minor has also been lying and making false accusations which is why the user had his account revoked. The user did everything they could to protect a minor being groomed through this site. They should be applauded, not punished.

  • Maxxi Pad

    this is nothing but true. the reports were fake and this user never posted/threatened to leak the other user's information. the minor is indeed being groomed and they both still have their accounts after the minor threatened to shoot the posting user twice. this user was trying to help the minor being groomed, and they deserve some credit for it, not punishment.

  • Super410

    I was also in this server and witness everything happen. The young individual publicly and privately threatened the person above who has posted this message. They also suggested for them to harm themselves. This young individual, 17 was and still is in a relationship with someone who is over 40 years old. And any aid which was sent their way was dismissed and ignored. However, they were and still are being harmed by the older individual, which is why people, such as the person who started this thread, tried to step in to help and show the younger individual what was happening. The minor is in danger and instead of helping, Discord instead bands one of the people who actually understood was happening and tried to help them in their time of need. 

    Your decision of banning this person and stopping them from being able to help when they had done nothing wrong, nor were they allowed the time to defend themselves. By banning someone without true evidence or even a full understanding OR an investigation, Discord in itself has possibly just placed a minor in harms way and allowed them to continue to be groomed and victimized.

    This needs to have a proper look at and a in-depth investigation in order for those who actually need the help to receive it, rather than to hurt someone who was only trying to help and do what is right.

  • Cactus

    This post is 100% true. The minor made death threats against the poster after said poster tried to get help for the minor. There are screenshots of proof that not only did the minor threaten, but that said minor is in a pedophilic relationship.

  • rowan

    I was in this same server and can back this up. The fact that this user is banned without warning is disgusting. The only people he had any intention of sharing information with were relevant law enforcement, and he never once released any information to Discord, nor threatened to do so.

    Meanwhile, the groomer and their victim are free to continue their dangerous, pedophilic relationship on your platform.

  • blustar

    I was also in the server that has been mentioned. Death threats were made, but no private information was given out. I know for a fact that the original poster would never do something like that, so the fact that this person was banned so thoughtlessly is incredibly frustrating. The person who had accused and threatened OP of these things is still out there with their groomer, acting as if life is absolutely fine.

  • EmeraldIsleGuardian

    As you can clearly see, multiple people from the server in which this alleged doxing happened in have come out to say this did not take place. There are multiple other witnesses that are willing to come forth as well. We're patiently waiting, but while we wait, a minor is being groomed. 

  • cedar

    I can back this!

    It happened in my server, and the reports the minor made were completely false. And I am very disappointed in discord for banning over a first warning that wasn't even true.

    And I'm upset that the pedophilic groomer has not been dealt with by you all.

    Discord, please get this sorted out. Thank you.

  • SirOh

    This user is 100% true. I was in the same server, and no doxing ever happened. This user would never do that. The minor is being groomed and yet both the minor and the groomer still have their accounts, even after violent threats were sent from the minor to this user.

  • Fucktopus

    Whatever the user has said is nothing but truth. I was in this same server and can back this up.The user upon finding out that a 17 year old was being groomed by a 40 year old, tried to help the minor. Never once had they threatened the minor to leak their information. The said minor threatened the user at least two times .And that said minor is still out there in a pedophilic relationship being groomed by a person twice there age. Instead of looking and investigating into matter you banned someone who is innocent in all this and was just trying to save a minor from being groomed and it is really frustrating.

  • Like everyone else who commented on this has said, EmeraldIsleGuardian is telling the whole truth. A minor who is a friend of mine is being groomed by a 40+ year old woman and all they tried to do was get law enforcement involved. There was never a post of the minor's information nor was there a threat to do so. However the minor did threaten to shoot EmeraldIsleGuardian twice and threatened to press charges on them for exposing the grooming situation. EmeraldIsleGuardian received a warning 2 minutes before they were banned. They have lost contact with a lot of people, lost hours of progress in a writing server, and lost hundreds of Pokemon via MewBot in our server. This is unfair, and their account should be restored back to them.

  • EmeraldIsleGuardian

    In addition, I have found that 2 servers I owned with multiple users now have no owner. I would like to request ownership either be transferred to my new account or to a trusted member of each server. But considering Discord is not responding to me on Twitter, or via email... I can see this isn't happening. 

  • yopol15193

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  • geekreate

    You'll need to file an appeal through trust and safety:

    Under report type, select one of the "appeal" options.
    And please remember that discord staff are humans just like you and me.
    Not discord staff but have worked several customer support desks

  • EmeraldIsleGuardian

    Thank you for letting me know. Do you have any idea why I might not have received an email about my ban? I know you're not Discord staff but, given your past work in such a field, maybe you can give some insight?

  • EmeraldIsleGuardian

    After submitting my appeal on the form linked to me above, I have been told I have to sign in and contact them from the banned account. Every single time I ask 'how can I log into a banned account?' or ask for help doing such, or where to go to submit the appeal from the banned account, I get the same copy/pasted response without actually answering. Do I need to send an email somewhere? Or am I supposed to figure out how to log into a disabled account on my own? I don't know how to go forward.

  • geekreate

    Log out of this alt on the support site and fill out the form again while not signed in. It'll ask you for the email that's associated with the banned account.
    I can't speak to why the processes may have failed in your situation as though I've worked support desks, I haven't worked discord's and their systems in particular would be what mattered there. But I did get my account wrongfully disabled recently ( due to being associated with a conspiracy-theory related server. Except the server was about analyzing the theory with a critical eye, not promoting the theory itself. Staff was able to help though and now I've got my account back (as that's what I'm posting from).

  • EmeraldIsleGuardian

    Thank you for the insight and telling me how to move forward. 

  • KMFDM Sucks

    Good news. I managed to get my account back. However, Discord refuses to look at any evidence I have stating that I never doxxed anyone and they refuse to admit they made a mistake on anything. 

    1. My account was supposed to be temporarily banned, and I was supposed to get an email stating such. I did not. They insist I did. I checked all my folders. 

    2. They also refuse to look at any proof I have that this never happened. Even though I have loads of it. I'm trying to ask them to look at my proof but they won't, and I have to take that as an answer itself I suppose. 

    I also cannot report the grooming/groomer without message links which I obviously don't have as this was reported to law enforcement for the safety of the minor and then I deleted everything, you know, to keep the minor safe. So I can't do anything to have myself cleared of these accusations. But at least everyone who knows me knows I would never do this. 

    Thank you all for your help. It is appreciated and I do appreciate having my account given back... but Discord needs to triple check emails about suspensions and bans are sent. 

  • brentondorsey.

    My Discord account got disabled for no reason this is a false accusation it happened on Saturday on the 14th cuz I didn't do anything wrong and I'm trying everything to get it back


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