Multiple Account Log in (To have seperate work and play accounts)
Since the beginning of the Pandemic many work places have adopted different forms of communication. My work place has adopted Discord for work communications which makes things difficult as I am very careful to keep my online presence as anonymous as possible. I do not want my work place to be able to link my work self to my online tag profiles.
It would be useful if people were able to log into multiple accounts (2-3) and be able to flip between them without outting their gaming profile. Already one of my co-workers gamer profiles was outed for 'insensitive memes' on twitter by means of finding their twitter through their discord profile.
I created a alternate account since to separate work and play but with discord promoting their platform for work and play, I believe they should provide a resolution for their core base of gamers suddenly faced with their work places asking them to join work related groups.
Plz make this happen.
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This would be entirely helpful. Keeping our accounts separated however not needing to log in and out manually each time. Perhaps a menu like Instagram’s? Something that is only a click and auto fills the email and such. Helpful on mobile as well as the desktop app!
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