I never check other servers mentions cause I can’t be bothered scrolling down and squint my eyes for the server I’m looking for, ending up scrolling up and down multiple times until I find it. I suggested we could add a Server search where you search for the server you're looking for. Then someone informed me we already had it. I told him no, I can't see it anywhere.
-The server search tab is at the bottom... It's at the god damn bottom of the server list. You can't even move it! It's stuck down there. When you launch discord, you'll always start at the top! Cause direct messages and your most used servers should be at the top right? Wouldn't been that bad if, you know, we were down there. But let's be real. What's down there shall stay unspeakable but we still keep those old servers cause attachments and memoriiiiiiiies.
Where was I? oh yeah, MOVE THE SEARCH ABOVE THE SERVERS. Also while you're at it, move the "create server/add server" up too. please and thank you
Why does the server list need to be so god damn tiny? Yeah it looks fancy but it's far from being practical if you have a lot of servers on your hands. We've all been there. Scrolling and scrolling and scrolling for that 1 server that you're looking for but it kind of blends in with the other servers and even discords darker shade is making it hard to find things you're looking for. If the server icon isn't a flashy rainbow you're taking way to long finding it. It's annoying, i've dealt with it for years and now it's gotten to the point that there servers I once loved, I never visit anymore cause I can't be bothered looking.
It's such a silly thing to complain about isn't it? Too much scrolling? It's more annoying than it sounds like on paper.
Why isn't it customizable? It's always stuck at the left side and you can't do anything with it. You can't make it wider or change the length or the size you want the server icons to be. It's like they handled it to us and said "take it or leave it"
I want a fully customizble server list, or a complete change from the current one. And I had an idea how disocrd "could" look like.
-You open up Discord and you see the loading screen as usual. The loading screen fades away and you see discord looking a little different. You see where your servers used to be is gone and has been replaced by icons. (You could even maybe make your own custom icon folders where you keep whatever you want in it. I'm not sure what but I'm sure it could be an option) The icons displayed is icons representing what they mean. The icons default color will be light blurple. (The color could be customized in your settings. Custom icons would not be effected.) One says *Join Server.* One says *Create Server* Another says *My Servers* and the others go with names like "Games, Friend list, Library, Nitro, Activity, DM groups, etc etc.
Direct messages could also be changed to fit more into this idea. Messages won't pop up over your servers anymore. You will get your usual notification sound and a message popping up on your top left or top right corner of your screen. The message will display in a different colored box if the messenger is "not your friend on discord" (which means he could message you due to a mutual server. So going to the dm it would show you under their name the mutual servers and what nicknames he/she has on there.) When you're in a server, there will be no server list. Only the server. The entire window would only be the specific server you're in. There will be a "hub" button that's either always on one of your corners no matter if you scroll chat, scroll text channel and voice channels. If you wasn't quick enough to click on the message that person sent you (which would send you straight to the dm) you get a subtle notification on your hub button. You left click the hub button (right clicking would open up a wheel with the different folders you can find at the hub. You can then click on a folder without accessing the hub first.) and you're were you started. Now you can see these subtle notification icons (no numbers on them please)on your "messages" icon. You click it and shows all the dms you've had in the past, with the most recent at the top with the number of messages said person has sent you. (You could also go to your friendlist, where a number of the amount of unread messages you have with that person. The friendlist is there so it's easier to keep track of who's your friend, and who's not, and who you can still message. Also easier to invite people to DM groups that way.) you click it and open up a fully windowed chat without the old server menu as I've said before that's usually is on the left of your screen.
You've read the message and have gotten a ping on a server. You click on hub, go on servers and there's a new way of browsing servers! It's fully customizable. Which means you can choose how the server get displayed in the folder. Imagine looking at apps on a phone, just the apps are your servers icon. You can move them around and put them on different pages if one page is getting crowded. One display mode would be smal. Then they're the size you'd see them normally on the old server display. Right over is a search tab where you can search if you'd want to search instead. Another mode would display them much larger with an server introduction and banner. (if they have that enabled on the server) almost look like how it looks like when you're getting invited to a server, just with a nitro banner, animated pfp and a introduction. Non nitro users/supporters on their server will get a few "default banners" they can use instead.
You click the server you want to chat in or check, you pop in the server instantly like you normally would.
If you reaaaaaally don't like the new server display, there could be a on/off button on the old one in settings.
There's many things that could be added to this idea, and many things that could be discussed and tested. Some things might not be necessary, some things might become unused features. My point was that I wanted servers in a display box almost like you were looking at your phone or your ipad just the apps are servers. with customizable ways to change how it looks, it can help people learn and find where the servers are much faster and easier. Also would look kind of neat and cool. The other features I added was things I tried to work upon my original idea.
- Feel free to take or dismiss some of these suggestions and come up with some ideas yourself. This got much more longer than I originally thought but thanks for reading the whole thing if you did.
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