Emoji List Organization
С ответомA way to sort Emojis on the Emoji list tab in the Server Settings. Let's say that a server is Level 1, and all 100(non-animated) Emoji slots have been used up. The server then has a boost removed and is cut back down to 50 slots after a few days, with the other 50 locked away. Prior, there should be a way to simply drag Emojis around to separate the ones from the original 50 slots with the additional slots from Server Boosts. That way, people won't have to be constantly deleting Emojis and re-uploading them in the order that they want.
Side Note: This idea does NOT effect the Emoji List on the right side of the chat box, cause that one stays in alphabetical order and in the order of your server placement.
Официальный комментарий
Hi there! This suggestion is the same as https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360047117292 so in an effort to keep duplicates out and keep everything neat and tidy, we're going to merge this ticket into that suggestion. This ticket will be deleted automatically after a week.
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