Text transcription/live captioning on voice chat
Text transcription is when you're taking speech and converting it into text (like closed captions, but live). There are several third-party services that could probably work with Discord, but most of them are either a hassle to setup or cost money (putting most disabled users at a disadvantage). It would be amazing if Discord implemented their own version of this to benefit those with hearing loss (like me!) or don't have a headphone and need to join in a voice chat without disturbing their surrounding environment. Also, seeing that Discord has a text-to-speech feature (/tts <message>), I think this is something that the developers can easily do.
Now, for the GUI part, there should be a new button along with the others in the call GUI. The chat could appear as a "pop-out" window and would probably look similar to a regular text chat, but without the option to type in that window. Here's a possible concept (next to the red button):
Additionally, some settings in the Voice & Video would be nice.
I apologize in advance if this was posted to the wrong section, but I felt that it was more of an accessibility feature than a voice chat thing.
TOO LONG DIDN'T READ (TLDR); Live closed captioning on voice chat so I can join in and read what people are saying
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wow good idea!
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I like it!
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i support pear very good idea!
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I support!!!
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I support this idea entirely!!
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agree, full support!
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Amazing idea.
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great idea!!!
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i agree 10/10
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good idea, I am partially deaf so this would help (even if it's not always completely accurate)
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@MrSprinkleToes Discord could always add in an option to have users report incorrect transcription. I can see this taking off.
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massive support + amazing idea
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Great Idea!
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Awesome idea!
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Amazing Idea!
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Fantastic idea!
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I support this amazing idea!
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Very much agreed! I believe that this idea can be a great benefit for the future. Keep it up with the great ideas!!
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This is a great idea, and could help many discord users.
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yes pls
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This could be a great feature for anyone across the globe who's a gamer and has trouble hearing or is deaf completely.
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Massive Support
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i support pear very good idea!
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Awesome idea, support
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