Discord not responding to my appeal


Комментариев: 23

  • Brandon

    Do they ever? Did you get disabled or flagged?

  • Ayshie

    I got disabled, and during the time I've been waiting they've responded to about 3 of my friends who got falsely disabled for the same reason and reenabled all needing to do the same thing I've done. But I've just been ignored for some reason.

  • Brandon

    noticeable shit like this has been happening. I would report Discord to the BBB or take em to court for falsely disabling account

  • Ayshie

    I filed a complaint to the BBB on Friday, but as each day passes without a responed I get more and more worried my account will be deleted by time they decide it's time to respond. I don't know about taking them to court though, if I can I would, but I don't know anything about how or if I can even do anything there. Just today 3 more people got disabled and then undisabled, while I'm still locked.

  • Ayshie

    They say that replies and tickets send me back in the queue but I should have been at the front of the queue for so long it makes no sense that people sending appeals ages after me when my account is on the verge of being deleted, can get replies but I can't. I just hope BBB is actually gonna make them go fast and I'm not just screwed because I'm trying not to get my account deleted.

  • Brandon

    If your account is fully disabled then they may delete it but if it's flagged you can sign in but the screen shows you to enter a phone number. the BBB will get behind this

  • Ayshie

    Yeah it's fully disabled can't log in at all, they sent a response to the BBB "We are currently experiencing a higher than usual ticket volume. As of 08/09/2022 ticket is still listed in an open status and is currently under review by our Trust & Safety team. Updates are pending. All communications regarding this matter will be done through the open ticket and not through this claim." Which is hard to believe when they haven't communitcated for the passed 10 days, while undisabling multiple people I know within the day. I rejected their response saying they should be replying to my actual ticket and that I want my ticket either assigned to someone who will respond to me or escalated to a manager, I just hope this is resolved by friday or else my account is gone. Unless they don't actually delete accounts after 14 days.

  • Brandon

    They do delete after 14 days after they email you bout it. They are only experienceing a higher than usual volume of tickets bc of shit like this

  • Ayshie

    This shit is so annoying I feel so powerless when I did everything asked of me, now my account has 33 hours left till it's dead, they haven't responded to my refusal through the BBB, I'm so mad, I want to try bumping my ticket so that it appears with the new tickets people are sending but I feel like they'll just ignore it again. I've provided more info than any of my friends have to get their accounts reenabled but my account is in purgatory.

  • Ry



  • saf1aaa

    Did you end up getting that account back? Or was it deleted

  • Ayshie

    Yeah, luckily got my account back the report to the BBB seemed to have work in getting them to reply to me.

  • saf1aaa

    The same thing is happening to me right now, Discord keep sending me emails saying they are getting a high rate of tickets more than usual bla bla bla. I dont know what to do

  • Hungdinhtranjr

    Ok so this is happening to me right now, I legit gave them evidence like 2 times and they still havent responded, whenever I checked the status, it said “solved” and nothing actually happened, I really dont know whats happening and they keep sending me they're at a high rate of tickets, i waited 13 days on the ticket so I made a new one and I checked the status, it said solved but i never got an email back? Im genuinely confused, can someone help?

  • A1eic

    yep happening to me too

  • Hungdinhtranjr

    did you get a response yet? they havent updated me on anything which is disappointing ngl.

  • A1eic

    nope it's frustrating me

  • Hungdinhtranjr

    yea same, its like really annoying because I actually gave evidence that im at the frickin age of digital consent and they keep ghosting me

  • A1eic

    me too bruh

  • Hungdinhtranjr

    ima bfr, they're still not responding, i keep getting this mod and they will ghost me its like so frickin annoying

  • Magicshit003

    yo did you get the account back or? Im going thru the same shit rn its so frustrating and I fear my account will be deeleted before they even see my appeal

  • Hungdinhtranjr

    nah man, it got deleted, it got deleted in one month man, i lost all my memories, and legit everything man

  • iloveher001

    They haven’t responded to mine, it’s been 5 days and I sent 7 appeals total. None have been marked as seen


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