Det här avsnittet visar dig var du hittar dina server- och kanalrättigheter. Den berättar också hur du kan lägga till nya roller och ge ut rättigheter, både på server- och kanalnivå.
För en förklaring av rättighetshierarkin var god klicka här.
För en videogenomgång klicka här.
Du kan också läsa instruktioner som steg för steg förklarar följande populära rättighetsinställningar:
Överblick över rättigheter
Rättighetssystemet i Discord baseras på roller som du ger till dina medlemmar. Rättigheterna kan ges ut med en roll, båda på servernivå och kanalnivå. Alla rättigheter läggs sedan ihop från användarens alla roller. Kanaler kan välja att inte använda en rolls serverrättigheter.
Hur kommer jag åt mina serverrättigheter
1. Klicka på de tre horisontella linjerna bredvid servernamnet.
2. Click on 'Server Settings'
Creating Roles in the Server Settings Menu
To begin setting up permissions for your group you start by setting up different Roles to assign to your members.
Note: As the creator of your server you don't need to assign any roles or permissions to yourself. You will always have access to everything.
You can create any custom role your group requires, such as @officer, @guest, etc. Multiple roles can be assigned to a single member. Roles contain a name, a set of permissions and a set of members.
To create, delete or assign permissions to roles click on the 'Roles' tab in the Server Settings menu.
When you first create your server there is only one pre-made role: @everyone. The @everyone role defines the permissions that are enabled for everyone on your server even if they have no other roles assigned to them.
To create a new role click on the '+'.
Once you have created a role, you can assign specific server-wide permissions for that role by clicking on the check boxes.
Assigning roles to members
Once you have configured the permissions you want to grant to a specific role you can assign the role to individual members on your server.
To assign roles to members:
1. Click on the 'Members' tab in the server settings menu.
2. Click on the plus sign under the member you want to assign a role to and select the role from the drop down window.
This member now has the server-wide permissions that you assigned to that role.
Specific channel permissions
You can assign permissions to specific channels (both text and voice) by accessing the channel settings menu.
To access the channel settings menu, select the channel you want to adjust settings for and click the cog icon.
To set permissions for roles or individual members on this channel click the 'Permissions' tab in the Channel Settings menu.
By default @everyone has access to all features of a channel. You can allow or deny the permissions everyone has on this particular channel by clicking the check boxes.
Note: Channel permissions will override server permissions.
The green checkmark indicates that the selected role has this permission enabled. In the image below I am allowing everyone to create Instant Invite links for the channel 'Justice' to share with others.
In this image I am denying everyone the permission to create Instant Invite links for the 'Justice' channel.
You can add roles or specific people whom you want to manage channel permissions for by clicking the '+'.
Once you have added a Role or member you can begin assigning channel permissions to this group or person.