The new color scheme is extreme eye strain, PLEASE do st about it
At least giving people the option to have a low contrast color scheme would be great. The old chill blurple was so much better in terms of being easy on the eyes, the new one is just horrible painful neon. Did anyone even check with users to see if they had problems with the eye strain, or test for readability? it just feels like such a lazy change to throw this color on there. also the new logo sucks, the icons fine but the fonts ugly. not as big of a deal as the color scheme being straight up inaccessible but might as well throw that in there. idk what design company yall paid for this redesign but yall should get a refund.
also, hey, if you have nitro and youre also upset about these changes maybe cancel that subscription til they at the very least make more accessible theme options? maybe they didnt care enough to run this shit by more ppl, but money might make them care? or not, who knows!
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