New Color Scheme Hard On the Eyes


4 kommentarer

  • Lyrisea

    As a visually impaired person, the new blurple REALLY hurts my eyes and the new ping background makes them somehow even more difficult to read. I had to turn down my brightness because the contrast between the new colours is too much.

  • Grif

    This! I'm visually impaired (blind in one eye) and I can hardly read the pings/logo, I have to go off the colour box. It'd be much easier for this to just be a toggle-able colour change. 

  • hymn

    I am visually impaired as well and the new blurple (especially contrasted with the dark gray in dark mode) is extremely hard on my eyes. It hurts to look at. I would love a colorblind mode or something of the sort.

  • rachaelly

    Yeah, just adding my two cents here. I have poor eyesight but I've never struggled with eyestrain. The blurple is just too bright. I was honestly surprised by how bright it was and my reaction to it.


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