how you can make the new names actually be easier to remember and quicker to share :)
controversial opinion i know but just hear me out
i used to be pisscorp#4242 and that was so confusing and hard to pronounce, no one to this day has managed to add me, i meet someone cool and say
"hey add me on discord im pisscorp#4242"
and i think they forgot the number or something idk i never hear from them
i got to choose my username and it took me a few tries because a lot of variations were already taken, but I finally settled on one and here is the same conversation but with my new name,
"hey add me on discord im EX-EX-P-ONE-S-FIVE-C(like in citrus)-O-R-P-UNDERSCORE-C(like in citrus)-THENUMBERZERO-M-P-THENUMBERTHREE-L-M-A-N-DOT-4-2-DOT-EX-EX"
thats xxp1s5corp_c0mp3lman.42.xx its real easy to pronounce and write much better than pisscorp#4242 i will never have to copy and paste my name again :)
Rookie mistake, this new update actually makes it a lot easier
Used to be: my user name is Name#0000
Now its: I don't use discordTakes a lot of hassle out of the process, good move on discord part. great update!
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