Unfairly disabled account (I'm exhausted from reporting this, so DISCORD, DO THE RIGHT THING AND SOLVE IT!)


4 kommentarer

  • theunknxwnme

    G316 I've tried—my seventh attempt—to contact the support and you know what? Clyde one more time said the same thing lmao. What the hell I suppose to do? I don't know... Is there something we can do in this situation, not being in touch with the support? (There is no support, NO SUPPORT, only a bot called F****** CLYDE (sorry for my tongue, I'm really stressed with this.)

    And even if there is a HUMAN support, nothing would help us. BECAUSE THE RULES ARE F***** OFF. Did you read them? Guess you don't want to read them. Really, don't read them. You must regret of it later.

  • G316

    Newusercontent1 i read the rules and im still trying to figure out which one i broke as to have my account disabled. and yes clyde bot is useless with the same automated message.

  • theunknxwnme

    G316 If you want to, I'm thinking about creating a community server on Discord. If you have created another account, you can pass me then and I will add you in. What you think about this idea? Contact me here as fast as possible. We need to fast this in a certain way, right?

    if you want to, you can call me on my new account: esojkk#2922

  • theunknxwnme

    @... join us! if you think your account was disabled with no reason, please enter in my server through the following link: https://discord.gg/nGxTKKct 


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