Voice Room Meshing
basically my idea is very good for simulator games voice activity.
The thing discord is missing is some way of communicating between rooms.
For example lets take a War Thunder where you play squadron battles. Team is basically mostly split into two Air and Ground team. Both teams need different type of info and in most cases it happens that people yell over each other.
How to fix or improve it?
Basically there could be a setting for a permission to get ability to speak between rooms (leader of the game basically), you could connect the channels together for example ill have three rooms (Ground, Air, Anti Air). In the ground team is a leader with permission to speak over rooms. The Ground, Air, Anti Air room have allowed permission to transfer voice messeges over each other. The leader (guy with permissions), holds binded button and is now able to speak over all three rooms and gives information from Ground Team: "We got bomber over our heads". That info can be heard by Anti Air and Air teams too.
Mostly Air is focusing on different targets than Ground teams so they dont need to know for example what is currently happening on ground.
Its not just this one game it could help for example the players of: Arma 3, Squad, War Thunder, Hell let Loose, DCS and much more other games.
Even different genre games like MMORPG with guild wars: For example BDO (Defense, Attack, Cannons)
Like this they could transfer only needed information to other voice channels. It could be set on server by the owner by default this feature would be turned off, to prevent other people from voice spamming many rooms in same time. Just the ones with the permissions would be able to use it only in the rooms with the allowed function of this feature.
I can also imagine many different uses, also for this feature. Its not only suited for players.
Hope i gave you an idea, which could help many people. :))
See You!!
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Mesh networking allows for wider coverage within the voice room, ensuring that all areas are reached by the network https://foxynamer.com/. By strategically placing nodes or points throughout the room, you can extend the range of the voice communication network.
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Its a great idea i read it carefully and it will help me in future.
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Set up dedicated voice channels for each team or purpose. For example, you can have separate voice channels for Air and Ground teams. instastoriesviewer.com
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Additionally, your proposal to allow server owners to toggle this feature on or off based on their preferences is a thoughtful inclusion, as it provides flexibility and control over how communication is managed within their Sonic Happy Hour.
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Voice Communication in Mesh Networks: This could refer to implementing voice communication capabilities within a mesh network. Mesh networks are decentralized networks where each node relays data for the network. Integrating voice communication into such networks Areej Shah Novels could enable peer-to-peer voice calls or group communication without relying on a central server.
Room-Based Mesh Networking: Another interpretation could involve creating a mesh network within a physical space or room. This could be useful for providing wireless connectivity within a building, such as a large office space or a conference venue. Mesh networking can help ensure consistent coverage and signal strength throughout the room, even in areas where traditional Wi-Fi routers might struggle to reach.
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