Your Support Team is Nonexistant, Fix it.


6 kommentarer

  • Noctis

    Don't bother sending them a request. I have been ignored for 2 months. You're best making a new account.

  • Reese

    Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do. as the user writes above - it's best to create a new account, because they won't give you the old one. There has been a problem with discord support since 2021, since they introduced new bots instead of human technical support.

  • Maurog

    What's the point of making a new account when you know they can randomly delete it at any given moment for no reason at all?

  • Reese

    It depends. If you want to keep in touch with your friends, it's worth having a second account. Just don't buy nitro on it or store any files, photos, etc. on it. You can always ask your friends for their details (if you are friends) so that if you delete another account you could contact them

  • jovogi

    I completely understand the frustration here, and it's disappointing to hear about these support issues. It seems like many of us have had a tough time getting the assistance we need. Discord has been an amazing platform for so many of us, and it's disheartening when we encounter difficulties like this. While creating a new account might be a workaround to stay connected with friends, it doesn't address the root issue of a lack of effective support. I hope Discord takes notice of our feedback and considers improving their support system.

  • Reese


    This problem has been dragging on since 2020. For 3 years they did nothing,and on top of that they increased the price for discord nitro. That's basically what I paid them for, for no help? Rip-off 


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