Account was disabled(scammed for my username)(help isn't coming) Final update.
Hi, My account was disabled at around 7pm central yesterday. I never received an email but taking a look at what I was doing yesterday I believe I figured out why. I started talking to someone new a couple days ago, and specifically yesterday we began talking about a video game we supposedly both play. They asked if they could watch, and invited me a server. Upon joining the server I was presented with a “captcha” which asked me to select the image with color from 4 images, right click, copy, and paste the image into the verification channel. The image in question is nothing special it was a picture of someone eating popcorn on webcam, but upon reviewing it the person does look like they could be underage. I think I was tricked into posting that image so that they would report me as underage to discord to get my account disabled. I'm still very hopeful that discord support will assist me with this perhaps that's more likely if I'm persistent, but I wanted to let anyone here know maybe there is a new type of exploit people are using the get others banned so be careful.
Edit: New information has revealed that I was in fact lured into a scam where someone used a fake captcha to have me post a picture that gets you automatically banned. One of these replies has a video that details how that works. They invited me into a server asking if they could watch me play a video game after talking to me in DM's for a couple days. I would post the pictures I managed to get but they contain stuff I'm not sure discord forum managers would approve of. I have not received a reply from discord, and I'm worried at this point that I may not. If you are seeing this and haven't been scammed like myself be careful out there.
Edit 2: I have officially lost hope. Additional people coming forward with information that these bans are being carried out by a bot that acts unchecked but humans. The wealth of people reporting that the same thing happened to them, and that they are not being helped. The absolute radio silence when dealing with tickets related to my appeal. While the tickets that I put in related to the future of my server are answered with demonetization, and the advice that I should transfer my server to someone else. The precarious timing of this event as if the people who did it knew that discord support would not only be indisposed but also unable to help as the result of new policy. Finally being treated like a villain while people prey on me doing things that threaten aspects of my livelihood, and the livelihood of my friends has left me in a position where I feel as though I have no choice but to cut my losses. I'll be taking the advice of the support associate who I messaged about my server. Discord permitting I will be able to successfully transfer the server to my friend, and move on. If this manages to get resolved before my account is permanently lost I will update you guys.
Good Luck,
You sadly fell into sending a photo of a really bad video. Like, really bad things done to the person in question. You will prob never get that account back. watch this video, its by NTTS (No Text to Speech) and explains everything.
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Thats actually very helpful I have proof of what they are doing in that case. hopefully i can get help from discord
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Wish you luck with getting your acc back!
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I fell victim to the same bs… Absolutely sickening and no response from support what so ever. Scammers used this method on me to get my double digit username “@77” banned and taken from me. I manage multiple servers and I don't get any help. I didn't know the context behind the picture and the captcha seemed weird as well but I didn't think about it. It looked seemingly harmless. Discord should take action and let people know about this because the picture is getting abused to get innocent people banned for various reasons.
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This is EXACTLY the same server I was invited to. My username is ‘water’ so it was the same purpose but they reached out to me differently. They literally are targeting users with the unique names. I tried to tell discord this but it's falling on deaf ears and more people are falling victim. The person who invited me was ‘cute18’. Could be the same person. Anyway, I didn't even remember what the picture was (just that it was a person in a discord vc on video or at least a video being streamed in discord) cuz I was so mindlessly following the directions. The picture was in the server and it asked to pick the coloured one and then paste in the next channel to get roles.
I can say the image was not what is in the youtube video above, but I do remember it was a younger person. I'm just not confident enough to say it was a kid or that they were eating popcorn. Just that it was in a discord server.
I figured maybe that was a report to discord trying to say that it was an image of me and thus I was underage. I don't understand how the image can just be in the server pasted there but there is no issue, but if it is pasted by a user, it becomes a problem. So the server and original poster are fine to stay but reposting becomes a problem? Maybe if the support team addressed the root cause then there wouldn't be so many support tickets to respond to.
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Also if you have a picture of the server or whatever kind of supporting evidence, would you be able to share with me as well? I was so unsuspecting that I didn't take any screenshots. The best I could do was look up the user name of said person and ss their profile to help support my case. But I can't see their profile description which had the ‘discord partnership manager’ lie.
Hoping it might help my case as well. Thanks.
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Marsarita LIT LIT LIT I only have screenshots of the accounts that did it to me sadly not the server. I wish I wouldve shadowplay recorded it… But here’s what I’ve got. First account “ohwowrlly” is who initiated the scam. Second and third account are probably the same guy and his accomplice. Even got proof that they were after my username because they were dumb/confident enough to reply to me on my second account.
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This is the one who did it to me in case it saves someone else:
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Marsarita I made a post that included the server I was lured into but the comment has been pending review for ~10 hours now. If you have a way we could communicate otherwise I would share the information with you. But that person is exactly who did it to me although curiously the account date of creation is slightly different when I look at it.
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my new username is nihaobara if you want to dm me on discord
you are right though - that is exactly the same description ‘content creator and partnership manager] that is on the cute18 profile although I can’t see it for whatever reason.
I also found this video explaining: don't think we joined the exact same server as I don't recall that same image but it is clearly the same kind of image that gets an insta ban. I also had dmed the person after and they started acting like I was an imposter of my previous account. I wanted to get an invite to the server again to see what was actually going on and get support for my case but they wouldn't ofc.
I'm trying to understand how the image can be posted in the server and not be auto deleted and flagged by discord. If the content gets you banned, why doesn't the content itself get removed? If it did, we wouldn't be in this position to start with.2 -
I just put in a report to this section to report the scam. Maybe if enough of us try to report it here it will get attention. I attached images of the user accounts of the perpetrators, explained the captcha system and how it doesn't make sense that the image that gets you banned can simply exist in the server without any flagging or deletion by discord.
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If anyone who got got by these people or something similar get their accounts back please update us. I just want to know if there is hope for me.
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I linked this post in my recent ticket to report abusive behaviour on discord. WIth any luck, someone will investigate and hopefully, they check all tickets related to this ongoing scam.
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Haunt Hello Haunt, I noticed you were helping users on another thread, and I was hoping to bring your attention to this issue that is affecting a lot of discord's earliest users. It's pretty serious because it's not only banning innocent accounts, but it's implicating us users in a serious disgusting crime (see above video).
If there is anything you could advise or do for us, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Well even my report of the abuse of this image got “solved” without any reply.
It's so ridicolous. Wtf are you doing discord… I've been supporting this app for years and got so many of my friends to use it and this is how you treat me? I paid around 800€ for boosts and Nitro, I run 2 servers with 100+ members and this is what I get for it? Zero support.
My ban-appeal ist still open though so I still have like 2% hope, but it's getting more and more ridicolous.6 -
Try replying again to it :( That's disheartening. The one I put in was 4 days ago and it got ‘activity’ yesterday but no response yet. I hope that means they are investigating it but I have no idea. My ticket with the appeal for age has been open for 15 days now with ‘activity’ last 7 days ago, and my appeal for an action on my account is still open no activity- clyde responded twice and I opened it twice again with a response asking for a person. I'd be a lot less worried about the time if my account wasn't destined for deletion in 2 more weeks it seems. Still haven't received any email telling me anything about my account.
I hope they are looking into this. I did link this thread in my report for abuse so if the person working on the case is careful, I hope they will also reinstate our accounts in the process.
Personally, I'm not giving this up until something is done even if they delete my account. I'm a professional woman with a family and young kids outside of my personal online life and I am not going to stand for having any association with child abuse content. It's bad enough we have people harming others with malicious links and hacking, but to be using cp to do that is just another level of despicable and evil and I can't just let these people go unpunished.
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Well small update from me. My two appeal tickets were marked solved without an answer just now. But they did get ‘assigned’ to an agent. Just left a reply to open them again and see if the assigned agent answers.
EDIT: I might have to submit a new ticket… It was assigned to ‘Gunter’ and my reddit search has led me to believe Gunter is a bot that marks tickets as solved when it doesn't know what to do with them :( greattttt
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Yea, my ban appeal got closed as well 1 hour ago. I've provided a lot of proof but I doubt they are looking into it because their AI probably banned like 50k members since end of december. No way they are able to look thru all of them and people been banned for various reason not only the image we fell victim to. My hope is gone and I'm just trying to get my server ownership to the new account.
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Yup sadly. This support site is basically a grief group lol. I put in a bbb complaint earlier but I have little hope that will change anything either (they have 1/5 stars on there lol). I was also reading the Zendesk forum for agents getting clarity on how to use the system (I've been way too invested in this..) and it is a normal thing for them to have tickets that get marked solved even if they don't provide a solution. They just have to report the number of tickets that had this done to them. I also read a forum on here about ‘Nelly’ which is a bot agent that just solves tickets without responding or solving them and I believe ‘Gunter’ is the same thing. It also said something about tickets getting updated are reentered in the queue and that agents can put notes nad what not on their end so I am guessing that is what causes the invisible ‘activity’ on some tickets. Sad that one of mine had that and then got sent off to a bot anyway.
Welp..that's my rant of whatever for today. Good luck with your server ownership transfer. I would hope it would automatically transfer to your next in charge or something rather than get deleted but that's just what would make sense to me but again who am i …3 -
Idk who if anyone is following my account or this thread but if it doesnt update people of edits I have posted my final update to this thread unless of course by the grace of whoever you believe in I get good news. We've been made into victims and the people who could have helped us are all refusing, gone, or powerless to do so. I wish everyone else good luck.
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Yea I guess I had a little too much faith even though it wasn't much. They responded within the day to my bbb complaint and just claim they did review it and I violated ToS so I guess this is my thanks for supporting discord since its inception. Can't even get a human to review an appeal. Like my post says, it doesn't make any sense to have an appeal for a bot's actions to be answered by a bot lol. Why bother having an appeals section in that case.
And more people are just going to continue to get scammed and these scammers are just celebrating and laughing and we can't even warn the next person because no one comes to read these forums until they are in this position already.
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Hi everyone. This exact same thing happened to me yesterday. Hoping against all odds that there is something that can be done to solve this issue. Have contacted Disco Support on Twitter. Maybe if enough people contact them on this issue something can be done about it. I'll make another Twitter post today and link this thread there.
Edit. I'm fairly sure reaching out via Twitter will work better than email or the support interface. If this issue has affected you, I think our best chances are simply to collectively contact them via Twitter.
It might help to leave the username that was lost, and maybe your ticket # as well.
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My account that fell victim to this fraud on 21st of December 2023 was deleted yesterday and the culprits already seized the username in question.
Username in question: 77
My appeal ticket: #42177305
I refuse to surrender, and it's unacceptable to face a ban for an action I didn't commit knowingly. Moreover, I couldn't have been aware of it, as Discord has not communicated a single word about this exploit. If you are interested in such matters and have researched it BEFORE falling into a trap that might lead you to send this, then consider yourself fortunate.
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Discord ticket system sucks. The bot just looks and responds. I am experiencing the same result as you. I've been sending tickets for 3 days. An account was opened twice. As soon as I entered, it automatically closed again. How many times does a ticket need to be opened for a real person to look at it? I really can't believe it.1 -
You will get a person in different ticket subjects, but not trust and safety. You would think that would be their clear sign that they need either more staff, or deal with their banning system differently OR SOMETHING LOL ..Like honestly, I have a million ideas I would give them for free lol
Any other ticket and and you will get a response in a reasonable amount of time, sometimes by multiple people as my one ticket got when I told them I wasn't getting emails. It didn't help btw - they couldn't figure what was causing it. They could just verify they were not reaching my inbox. One rep said they would escalate my appeal ticket and that they would touch base in the ‘email ticket’ once they heard back. Nothing came of it. No further response on the email ticket which later was marked solved and nothing special happened with my appeal ticket.
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This happened to me as well. If no person ever looks into this, the discord team is really overlooking a flaw in their system that the image was ever able to be distributed on their platform in the first place.
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another victim added unfortunately. rip to “k_”
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This is ridiculous scam attempt, this is what happened to a lot of people but discord only think we did this! And now we have to pay the consequences for it.
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Hello guys, so i had this happen to me and well im here with some good news for some of you, lets start off by saying im not quite sure what exactly led me to getting my accoumt back since i made a TON of appeals (10+ appeals) but i tried to gather as much evidence as i could, lucky me enough i had screenshotted the person asking me to join the server because of how weird and sketchy it seemed. (if you dont have that possibly try contacting the person who led you into this scam and try to get them to admit their actions) secondly i went back into the server to gather enough evidence over the fact that i was tricked into sending that picture, and i also added the servers link. i explained everything in the slowest way possible, discord responded TWENTY ONE days after and my discord had been banned for over than a month, i do not promise your account is guaranteed to recover but i wanted to share a positive result out of alot of negative ones, may your luck be as mine.
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@ jenna, how long was your account on hold? From what I've heard, they just instantly delete it after 30 days unless any of the tickets don't receive a non-bot response.
I've also tried requesting GDPR data, their response was basically “since the account is already in the deletion process we can't give out any data except your IP”.
I'm currently sitting on 2 open tickets, one going directly to tech support with a perfect description and recreation steps, but I wouldn't be surprised if my account got deleted beforehand. If you don't see any further response, that'd be it.
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