Intrusive/Annoying Shop Button
The addition of a shop is egregious on its own, and I should be allowed to opt out of having to see it, but I'll move past that. No matter what I do, there is always a red “NEW” badge on the shop tab. That alone was annoying enough, but it had been happening for months and I was dealing. Now, though, I just turned on my PC and the shop tab has like… red bleeding from the corner of the tab? Which is way worse than just a badge. But also, it plays an effect when i accidentally hover over it while moving my mouse nearby for the “Friends” tab (the only tab I need up there is the Friends tab, but whatever).
Genuinely, I'm sick of updates that make the app worse to use and look at. This is a problem for mobile and desktop, with different causes for each. I've been using discord for just a month shy of seven years. The past two or three years have been abysmal in terms of QOL. However, this is the only app that (most of) my friends use, and I hate having to make new accounts on whatever new messenger/social media just because Friend A is on Website Z and Friend B is on App Y. So I'm stuck here, which means you're stuck here with me. I don't want what happened to Skype (service friends and I were previously using) to happen here, but it's happening, fast.
Also, no clue what topic to put this in, but nitro is the closest thing so it's going there. Side note, your feedback system sucks to use also. Most do, though, so you get a pass, I guess.
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