Either Discord Support is very slow or I’m missing something
My first appeal for my account suspension had a response after 2 weeks, and they declined it (which was a justifiable decision). That’s not what I’m concerned about though, since it’s been nearly a week since my second appeal, and it’s only a week until my account gets permanently deleted. Is Discord staff overwhelmed by the number of tickets? Is this normal?
I don't know, I am waiting for an answer today the 4th day. I wrote to support on Twitter they wrote that the people responsible for blocking accounts (this help desk has a name) is very loaded with such tickets. I analyzed the topic and it is very important that you have one active ticket and do not add any new ones, only add to the current ticket (one) then there is the greatest chance that your ticket will be processed.
Next, make sure your ticket is well written and good titles and help sections selected so that your ticket is not disabled.
The most important thing is patience also my account means a lot to me I have been notifying it since 2016. I own many servers 1k+ users.
Remember you are not alone with this
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I waited 50 days
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