Extended Audit Logs (Log Channel Moving, Who added what Bot, Who moved who, ect)


228 kommentarer

  • purpzie

    If Discord does add this eventually, until then there very trustworthy bots such as Dyno that can log these for you 👍 I've used it for a very long time and it's one of the most safe bots out there. Thousands of servers use it.

  • ColtHale

    Thanks for the support of the idea, but I’d still prefer using a feature within discord rather than some bot. I mean, you could do most of these requests with bots, but these are requests people want DISCORD to add, not some bot developer.

  • wAffles
    I second this! I would personally want to see more administration options displayed in audit log
  • Zacatero
    I mean bots are only able to be invited by accounts that are actual people and administrators. Bots cant be invited by bots.
  • Music Boi

    Why is this not already a thing?

  • TheFumbler


  • RockRevenchy

    I'm having intense issues with that as well and no good mean to check that out correctly

  • Zacatero
    I agree, this would be nice
  • Zacatero
    I agree, this would be nice
  • GTAV


  • GTAV


  • Gray

    Please do this in the event of staff abuse. It's hard to track what some staff do and we recently had an issue of someone abusing their move privileges.

  • Tchy

    This really should be a thing.

  • GingeeEly2016

    this really needs to be done 


  • Frosty
    Sounds like an awesome idea!
  • Dreylok

    @hitman032 Without audit, we don’t know who is at fault. That’s the whole point of this request.

  • LinkAylomen

    I see your point Hitman, but I have a university server with 500 people, it's not like a gaming server where I can just drop permissions for no reason for days on end, I need people to be able to fulfill their role. Thankfully this doesnt happen to me on my server but having the logs there if it did happen would be really helpful.

  • Dreylok

    Hitman, are you suggesting that we just remove rights from EVERY one of our mods when this happens? Without audit we do not know WHICH mod (or bot) abuses their power, so we don’t know which person to punish/revoke. Your idea is for a situation that is unrelated to the entire point of this request. Seriously, please, realize that you’re not getting it and bow out and quit diluting the details of this important request.

  • RockRevenchy

    I agree with drey, this is a request for a feature, not a question on how to solve this problem, obviously we are "the boss of our server" and we do figure somewhat functioning solutions to prevent this issue but we lack precision and knowledge on which person is responsible which is a thing discord could fix.

    I do not like having to punish ppl i don't even know if they are responsible for the actions of one.

  • Shroom

    Hitman, that is not a solution. Stop being dense. You're contributing nothing to this discussion. Nobody has the time to change permissions for each member in a 300+ person server just to figure something out that should be built in functionality

  • TurtleDove

    Definitely need this feature.

    Ironically, using Hitman's own "solution" would be great right now in this interface to stop him from trolling our feature request. He's a self-fulfilling prophecy because if he keeps this up, this thread will get ignored from all his spam and indeed we will never see this feature.

  • Shroom

    Yeah. Some people are just so damb.

  • Sabercai


    Your suggested solution is obvious, simple and not at all innovative.  The point is the WE DON'T HAVE LOGS TO KNOW WHO TO DO THIS TO.

    Nobody is being lazy, WE DON'T HAVE THE LOGS TO KNOW WHO TO DO THIS TO.

    You are the only one being damb.  WE DON'T HAVE THE LOGS TO KNOW WHO TO REVOKE/PUNISH.

    Seriously, you are the only one here that is confused.  You are trolling at this point.  Please stop looking at it like we are disagreeing with you or refusing to consider your suggestion.  We all get it, it's not complicated at all nor is it impressive.  We don't need a suggestion on HOW to do deal with someone abusing their power.  

    WE SIMPLY NEED TO BE ABLE TO SEE WHICH PERSON OR BOT IS ABUSING THEIR PRIVILEGES.  What in god's name are you not able to understand?!

  • Shroom

    > What in god's name are you not able to understand?!

    English, I think.

  • Dreylok

    No doubt

  • 1-Magic-Thor

    For us its too late, now... Our mods and admins are missing too much (esp good logs) and we'll not switching to discord in next few years, again... :-(

  • Myshiro

    I agree, help us Discord <3

  • D4n

    Yes please! It's SO annoying for clanleaders to not know who of their moderator team abused mod rights (moved user to other channel for no reason)

  • donovan_dmc

    Kicks and bans are shown in the audit log, message deleting is not as it is usually done at such a high rate that inserting it into the audit log would be more harmful than helpful

  • Jason Khanlar

    Indeed! Please add this. It's fun at first when users drag users to other voice channels, but it becomes difficult to know who is doing it, especially when it's someone that's not even in any voice chat, and is just lurking, especially invisible, and being nonresponsive. In my case for one server, there are 40+ possible candidates that could be the culprit, and no way to be sure who it is.


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