Search exclusions
This would be especially useful for servers that have bot feeds or spam channels.
42 -
Maybe even a programming-like syntax. For example, you can type from:user to get messages from that person, but what if you could type not from:person or something similar for the opposite effect?
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this is going to make searching way more easier in a lot of situations.
14 -
yes, strongly agree. I just really want to be able to search for symbols in chat..
8 -
I want it. so much easier and it avoids the agony of remembering exactly what you're looking for (aka the exact words of part of the message you're searching for), but not getting exactly that result...
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for 1., that's what my upvote of this suggestion is for. ( is exactly that suggestion btw, but upvoting that might do us more of a favor as that one's dedicated slowly to part 1 of this suggestion here)
2. got me confused. as long as you can type or copy and paste the wanted symbol into the search bar, you can search for it, can't you? at least, I just tried with a few letters like ö, ú and stuff, and it worked.
are you talking about something like this - Ş̸̢̖͇̩̟̻͈͙̎ḁ̸̪̝͓̙͒͑̈́̈́͌̍̄̂k̷͉̼̫̈̍̇͝͝û̴̧̹̥̥̦̹̭̟͈̂͐̑͘ - which I'm not even sure will appear as anything but squares in my comment, by any chance? these few completely weird symbols which the search bar just won't find, even if you copy and paste them from the message they were used in?3. agreed. no more, no less. that would also help with finding users with untaggable names (e.g. they have symbols like above in their name) as I assume this feature would allow you to find them by what comes after the symbols. ...actually, consider this one an additional suggestion.
-2 -
@Saku, I'm not sure you understand what OP means by symbols. We're not talking about letters— we're talking about things like !@#$%^&*();,{}[]<>. None of these will show up in search. Searching for something as basic as a comma gives no results.
6 -
@Kierel Shan, my bad. I really did misunderstand.
Yes, I really want that feature too. that explains why some of my searches wouldn't give me what I want... never realized it was because of the basic symbols ^^
3 -
Yesss. This would be so useful
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Exact match searching would be good. "ring on it" returns dozens of hits for "ring" burying the "ring on it" comment I was looking for.
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I came to this site just to suggest 1 and 3.
2 might be a bit of an issue tho, as the way many sites search for word fragments (suggestion 3) by using an asterisk: to use your examples, using "child*" to find "children" or "*read*" to find "rereadable"... or in my case, using "haha*" if you can't remember how many "ha's" someone typed out and you really don't want to make a separate search for every number of "ha's".
So if Discord wants to use the asterisk shortcut, all ASCII symbols may not be possible. The only way to keep both ideas 2 and 3 would be if they decided to code advanced search dropdown menus, which might be a chore.
1 -
So maybe Discord could implement Regex in their search?
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a good way to rework this would be to add a 'not' or '-' modifier, ie you could do a search that is [ hello -user#1000 ] to find all messages with 'hello' except those from a user, but also be able to do a search with [ has:link ] if you were looking for a non-youtube link, or [ from:user#100 -hello ] if you were looking for all messages from a user *except* ones that have hello in them.
5 -
Like a parameter of NOT in:#general ?
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That'd be nice for finding specific posts, but it should be surrounded text so as to make a full sentence in a post specify it needs to be filtered out, and otherwise a specific word or type of content.
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Hi There,
Using the "Relevant" tab should solve this issue for you. I believe discord are in the process of fixing issues with irrelevant results coming from the search bar.
Have a nice day!
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They dont use the exact match afaik 0 -
@undermaster - they use a dictionary-based search rather than a partial match search. So if you search for "PLA" you will only get exact match results (ie. "I'm using PLA today" would match, "PLAstic" would not match), if you search "PLAN", you get words like "planning" and "planned", but not "planet" or "plank".
I'm honestly not sure why they went with a dictionary-based search since that's actually more work for worse results.
4 -
i love this idea!!!! 2 -
that would be useful 2 -
I would really love to have boolean operators. 🙏
3 -
I desperately feel the same way
either doing something like !from: or not-from: or -from: to exclude say bot spam would be very valuable
5 -
Yeah I want to be able to exclude bot spam when searching for msgs. Why the hell hasn't this been implemented yet? The search system is good, but It has alot of room for improvement. Have search exculsions. Be able to look up @everyone, @rank both the mentions and the people who have that rank. Being able to look up the symbols of !@#$%^&*()_+}{|<>?:"-=[]\;',./`~, being able to search up reactions and a ton of other things. And it's been over two years and not one of those has been implemented. Don't even get be started on how the mobile version only has four damn search options. Like WHY?
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Yes, please
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1 -
Possibly even accept regex in search
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Imagine listening to the people...
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