More payment methods for Nitro
You could add more payment methods for nitro: PaySafe Card, Paypal Wallet, PayM, Cryptocurrencies and some more. Before you downvote the suggestion because you don’t like crypto currencies, it’s the suggestion, not the payment methods listed above.
I think the same way or just cards that can give you nitro at stores.
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@Fishy Marlon Like NS Online?
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OML please discord I wanna be able to pay with paysafe card <3
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If this is added someday, they should take into consideration the price of games converted to BRL. Using as an example the Hollow Knight, in dollars, it has the same price ($14.99) on Steam and the Discord Store, converting this price to BRL, costs approximately BRL 57.60, on Steam, it costs only BRL 27,99.
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I Have no Idea how the Prices works in the Steam. But just having a converting will facilitate some issues to buy in Brazil.
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Crypto currennies as fancy as they are are reliable payment method since their value changes on daily, sometimes even bidaily basis, G2A don't support subscription as far as i am aware -5 -
Simply put, it's up to the publishers to do their homework on currency conversion, not Steam's (which is why there has been direct gifting region locks for the past couple of years).
It's like the British often complaining with $1 = £1, which is more than justifiable. If it's up to them, the conversion rate will remain the same since the moment the currency became available here... Look at Square Enix not-so-recently raising the sub price for FF14 for both Brazil, Russia and perhaps other countries that had an odd share, or for instance Firaxis, 2K as well as others I'm currently unaware of, or recent releases from some major studios keeping closer track on these rates, but may probably be ignored as time passes.
Smaller or Indie publishers not always do that homework and release on that lower standard without looking back... Yet somehow thankful for that since the disposable income for that is inferior, and the hardware expensive since we mostly import tech (after copious amounts of protectionist barriers and excessive taxes alike).-4 -
and iDeal please!!
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Я тоже за то что бы были региональные цены, так как курс доллара для Украины большой. Тем более что большинство магазинов уже так сделали, надеюсь Дискорд не затянет с этими нововведениями.
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I agree the same.
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go qiwi
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It will be great for CIS countries in Central Asia cause prices for us not ok.
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I have the same problem, please add paysafeCards and instant payments(Deutsch:Sofortüberweisung) and others. Or even Discord Gift Cards you can buy in the market!
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agreed! they should add more payment option other than credit card and paypal option, its would be really convenient for the users.
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And iDeal please! That would be amazing.
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Having redeemable codes would be really neat too, you know, as in buying a month of nitro for someone as a gift and such.
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PaysafeCard would be awesome.
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This would be very interesting to see - and in fact it might also help users who are purely Mobile and never use Desktop (therefore cannot buy Nitro the usual way). Did you mean Google Play Balance rather than Google Pay (both could be possible though)? 1 -
This would be very interesting to see - and in fact it might also help users who are purely Mobile and never use Desktop (therefore cannot buy Nitro the usual way). Did you mean Google Play Balance rather than Google Pay (both could be possible though)? 1 -
I totally agree with you. And not just paysafe and google pay. but also iDeal and more payment methods.
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被踩了这么多 = =
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That‘s a good idea.
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有人就是好 hhh
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Absolutely. Ever since Steam introduced regional pricing all of my friends and I have stopped pirating games because we can actually afford to buy them now. Full priced AAA titles used to cost us r$500 which is 1/3 of what i have EVERY MONTH for my bills, food, car, etc. Nowadays they cost r$120-200 which I can save up for and afford, even if it isn't cheap.
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I agree with you, because Dutch people frequently use iDeal and have no creditcard. It's a country specific payment method though: if Discord wanted to stay minimalistic and would only like to have the big payment methods, they would probably just refer to PayPal and tell you to link up your bank account with it. I mean, that's what I did.
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I hope discord staff sees this. Because at the moment you can't pay nitro without a credit card.
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I would like to see PayPal balance added to paypal. I don't have a credit card but I certainly do have Paypal Balance.
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