Quick Reply on iOS Banner



70 kommentarer

  • Buran

    This would also allow dictated responses for Apple Watch users, or quick Scribble replies. No actual watch app required.

  • natsuki

    Would be handy af!

  • аIcide
    Android allows you to quickly reply to messages on the banner. It would be nice for iOS to have Quick Reply functionality too
  • UnTubular

    Agreed, switching from Android to iOS made this very obvious to me. Woud love to see it added!

  • Christian

    +1! I have been missing this a ton since I switched to iOS. I also got an Apple Watch and not being able to reply on it is a major drag. Please add this!

  • Rentiger12

    i want notifications to show up on my phone even when im away from keyboard, example I have apple watch, if discord is open on my desktop at the same time i get no notifications. What if im AFK i want those notifications on my watch too so i know im getting a PM or call. 

  • Permanently deleted user
    Definitely would be useful if you are on the go, and can't get into the server or dms right away to answer to the ping.
  • skipplydoodle

    Replying to DMs without having to open the Discord app would be suuuper handy. Would love to see this implemented!

  • chaNcharge

    This could make replying to quick DM's so much faster with minimal interruption; I would happily accept this feature!

  • Delol

    Discord looks lagging behind when we compare some features to iMessage & FaceTime... makes me sad, I’d love to have such things with Discord!
    Replying was introduced in iOS 9 or earlier..

  • GhoultheKitty
    This would actually be a pretty nice feature to implement, especially when you need to stay onto another application because you're busy but want to reply to people.
  • Casuallynoted

    I would also love to see this. I don’t think it would be super difficult for discord to implement, but could be wrong.

  • CraftyCanine

    Has anyone seen any feedback from a Discord dev as to why this hasn't been done? It's really ridiculous. It would be such a huge benefit to the user base and I can't imagine the code change to be that difficult! Would love to hear if there is an official reason this isn't being done.

  • Blue_Ruby

    I don’t they think they would ever do it for nitro only users, nitro has always been you get some cosmetic changes like a badge, custom 4 digit code, gif emoji’s and such. Nitro is a way to support them and gain some cool perks but it does not affect the functionality of discord which an Apple Watch app / better notifications would be functional and not cosmetic. (Really hope they do make an app / better notifications soon! Been waiting for this since I got my Apple Watch in July. Come on discord!)

  • UnTubular

    So I commented on this thread over a year ago. Seeing all the improvements made to Discord for mobile over the year of 2019 I was sure we would get it eventually. I really hope this is in their pipeline.

    Making quick replies is one of the basic functions of any messaging app on smartphones nowadays. It really needs to be there.

    And if it’s impossible to do which I highly doubt. I would love to see a detailed reply from a Discord employee on why this is the case.

  • YourFace

    Yes, the swipe between photos feature is a basic UI function that is absent and desparately needed.

  • thetechguy
    this is a good idea to make users less annoyed
  • Smay

    Back when I used Skype it had this feature and it was amazing

  • Macley

    True! Really hope they add this, I don’t think this is too much work right?

  • lillie!

    Discord has responded to some people on twitter who have asked this and their reason they can't is something along the lines of Apples API restrictions. Which kinda sounds like BS.... slack did it just fine...
    Just got my watch and majority of my communication with friends is through Discord. Kinda a bummer.

  • Alphalas

    What makes this whole thing even crappier is that apparently discord on android does indeed have this functionality but iOS doesn’t.

  • Alphalas

    @untubular agreed 100%

  • Smay

    Also considering that skype has had this feature (and Siri messaging) for years, (they added it a couple months after the API was created) and that discord’s whole thing is “its time to ditch Skype and teamspeak”, I feel like they really need to add it. I’m sure they could make it work, even if it was only for dms or something that would still be useful (although I would love the ability to do it on servers). I think it would really bring up the usefulness of discord to a lot of people. I love discord but it lacks in a lot of areas like this. It’s also equally infuriating that android has had this feature for a while. I wouldn’t even mind if it was the only new thing all year, it’s all I really want at this point. Maybe 2020 will be the year of features after all the ui improvements last year. 

  • Macley

    I only noticed it now!
    God I need to know when this is in stable so I can leave beta for iOS finnaly!

  • Kal

    I'm already able to do this, and have been able to for months. Running Android Pie, but been able to do this since Oreo.

  • shane

    Switched my podcast planning group from Slack to Discord and I really miss this small feature. 

  • NathanNorth
    yeah, i liked this suggestion and can be a good feature, +1
  • James 👾🚀

    This! Its super annoying going from Gchat.. a really old app... to this! and not having this functionality.
    I use discord to chat to my wife daily. We miss this feature greatly.

    +1 from me

  • Macley

    Really hope they add this, in just in the beta only to get this feature earlier!

  • dbv

    Agreed. Would be really nice to have this feature on iOS as well!



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