Move Gift Nitro chat button to profile panel


108 kommentarer

  • Kewlin

    Anywhere else is better TBH. I get that they want it to be apparent, but as someone who uses Discord on a portrait monitor, but tends to write very long messages, (such as while roleplaying,) the "little" bit of width the gifting button removes is a huge hassle. I can see where it could go un-noticed on a landscape monitor with only one or two lines of text, but I'm certain many people use Discord in places beside a fullscreen landscape monitor, and once you have a few lines of text it quickly becomes a huge hassle.

    I'd be fine with it in the current position if you could permanently dismiss it, and it moved to people's profile's afterward, but staying permanently in the current position is awful.

  • Kewlin

    Oh no, there's going to be a gif button too?


    Can they please just make all three buttons optional? I don't even use the emoji button, and there's no way in hell I'm using the gift of gif button.

  • KahadoK>

    or just had an option to toggle it

    personally i get verry upset with this button, i often click on it instead of clicking on the emoji button

    and it will be so bad when the GIF button will be live

  • KahadoK>

    yeah !

    have the 3 buttons optional will be an great idea !

  • GEEK

    It seems like a forced way to get people to think about gifting nitro in the first place. I understand wanting to let people know they have the option to do so, but causing it to interrupt typing things out to people/ friends? Just seems like a terrible idea from the start. I consulted quite a few of my friends about this, and they all had the same negative/ demoralizing opinion about it that I have. I don't mean to complain, but having something like that on the chat bar is too much. It doesn't contribute anything to communicating via the chat bar what-so-ever, so why put it there? I figured Discord was above stuff like that, but I guess not...

  • Azantii

    While the Emoji and GIF Pickers seem relevant, a "Gift Nitro" button seems more appropriate for a profile to specify the user and make the process more efficient.

  • irismustang

    I came here solely looking for this option to upvote. I just now got that gifting icon and I've accidentally clicked it twice. I don't mind the GIF icon, but I do not have anyone I would want to gift Nitro to and all this does is add clutter. 

  • Wait What

    My idea: have check boxes in the appearance menu that let you disable each button individually. Some people might not like the emoji button either, so the ability to disable them would be absolutely epic.

    The new gift and gif buttons are really annoying and hurt the UX.

    Edit: the "star" button on images should be toggleable too.

  • Bat

    This I can agree with, it's a big honking spot on the already cramped chat space. At least gifs has some functionality but there are much better spots to mention gifting without being this aggressive.

  • Amanie

    Yes. Please don't be like the other messengers which have so much non-text buttons cluttered in their textbox.

  • Kewlin

    Yeah, both buttons are absolutely annoying, and both of them need to be able to be disabled. I don't even use the emoji button, but at least it has a use for most people.

  • Ryudo

    @Vap0rize because it's annoying as f.


    The only thing that needs to be there is the emoji button. Discord is awesome because it was clean and simple. Now they're cluttering the chat bar with multiple extra buttons that nobody will ever use, or maybe use once in a blue moon. (It's not just the gift thing that they're adding, but also GIF, etc).


    If anything they should at least give us the option to disable these extra buttons. Then there would be no problem at all. Just have them enabled by default so it still gets noticed (which is their intention with this change), but if a user wishes to, they can disable it.

  • Jeran

    its in a very distracting place. perhaps int he right click context menu when you click on other users. if i want to gift people stuff, doing it via that menu would be my place to look.

  • Fapologist

    It's absolutely a ridiculous placement, it belongs either on the Nitro page or in everyone profile. this just seems like a conspicuous money grab tbh, and it's frankly annoying trying to click the emoji icon and miss clicking the gift thing.

  • Harsh Noise

    I agree, it really doesn't belong there. It feels like an intrusive push for monetization, though I might just be sensitive from all the drama going on with AAA games. Anyways, I really don't see myself dropping ten bucks on a whim like that and really only pressing it by accident. I like the gifting nitro idea though, don't know how long that's been around but I might use it in the future.

  • mutiny mobile

    I installed BetterDiscord and blocked the elements so they don't appear. It's clear Discord staff doesn't care about their users, only that they're marketed to at every possible turn.

  • Paddywagon

    I didn't truly mind it at first because it was around the Holidays and it was a neat little addition in the spirit of giving. It's now the middle of January, however, and they added another button to the mix which makes me think they're not seeing the placement of the buttons as a problem. That tells me that they're going to keep it there, or worse, keep adding more of these buttons to the text bar and clutter everything. I'm not against the features these buttons provide, so please don't misinterpret my input as that and toss it aside. I'm simply against adding unnecessary elements to the UI. If you really want to keep gifting fresh in people's minds, introduce a /gift command or add an option to gift Nitro to someone when you right click their name. The solution is NOT an obstructive button next to the emoji button that most people commonly use, that when accidentally clicked opens a popup that you need to manually click out of.

    I'd like to remind Discord that I'm not using their service out of some misguided sense of comradery or loyalty, but rather because it's currently the most clean and easy to use chat service on the market. Should that stop being the case, I'm sure the average user won't hesitate to jump ship like was the case with Skype and other voip programs during Discord's rise to popularity.

  • Zandrae

    Let us turn these extra buttons off.

  • Jerl

    Just following up to say that just because 6 months have passed without me saying something does not mean that I have simply gotten used to their presence and learned to ignore them.  I still feel a wave of anger wash over me whenever I see those gift and GIF buttons still there half a year later with no way to get them out of the way even though I have literally not clicked either of them even once in the entire span.

  • snarfblam

    Just gonna state the obvious. Some people may not mind an advert cluttering the chatbar, but absolutely nobody wants an ad cluttering the chatbar. Things like this are why, more and more, I dislike using discord.

  • Jerl

    Unless there's a "latest version" that it won't let me download, the Giphy button was added in the latest version.

  • Azantii

    While the Emoji and GIF Pickers seem relevant, a "Gift Nitro" button seems more appropriate for a profile to specify the user and make the process more efficient.

  • Deathwing Duck

    Agreed. It doesn't belong in the chat bar. Keep it on the home page. I actually pointed it out on twitter and got a response:

  • AttacksOnYaks

    I understand the developers wanting to highlight the ability to gift Nitro to others but the chat box is just about the worst place to do it. It makes zero sense from a UX standpoint. 

    My intuition tells me it should be on a user's profile flyout so you can gift Nitro to that specific person. The current location seems like an advertisement. This is especially annoying as someone who already pays for Nitro.

    If nothing else, I would love the Discord developers provide the option to hide the icon. It could even be hidden deep in the User Settings dialog. I don't mind it being there, I just don't want to see it on **my** client.

  • Alyssi

    I was literally just about to post a topic about these annoying buttons. They ABSOLUTELY need a way to be a hidden/removed from the text input line. They are obnoxiously in the way while typing and just add to visual clutter in the UI.

    As someone who likes an extremely clean interface, and rarely uses emoji in the first place. I have always wanted to find a way to remove the emoji button. However over the last few updates to the PTB I have noticed now there are literally THREE buttons in the text input line. I honestly don't want ANY of them there because it makes the interface look even more cluttered. I have looked in the options menu and there is no way to hide any of these buttons. Please add a way to select which buttons appear on the text entry line so these can be hidden.

  • Mori

    If you're going to add stuff to a textbar, then make sure that users have the ability to REMOVE stuff from the textbar that they don't use. Not having a setting for it is pretty obnoxious.

  • Jorboc

    I don't even want the clunky, bloated, memory eating, discord-crashing GIF menu available on our CHAT channel at all.  Nobody asked for it, but its getting forced on us because some of the content will undoubtedly serve as advertising reminders for Discord.  Want more lootbo- err, I mean PREMIUM GIFS?  Subscribe to Nitro!  Click here to pay now!  Its so easy; the button is right there in front of you all the time now!

  • Comradical

    Yeah, still here this month, so good-bye Nitro, welcome spite. Hope fleeting gains bite you in the ass.

  • snarfblam

    Had there ever been a chance of me gifting Nitro in the past, there wouldn't be now. Hopefully this at least serves as a reminder for people that discord is first and foremost looking to make money, same as other social media enterprises like facebook and twitter. While that's not necessarily wrong, we should be mindful about how we use it and how much we use it. Discord, please show your users more respect.

  • Phosphorshy

    Yeah, You can already buy Nitro/Nitro Classic gifts in User settings -> Nitro, So I don't see why I need a button in my chat bar.


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