Navigate backwards & forwards with mouse side buttons in discord store
Almost all mice these days have a forwards and backwards button on the side and these are used for stepping forwards/backwards in a lot of applications, especially web-browsers.
If it would be simple to implement then I believe its a small quality of life update that I personally would use all the time.
If its hard to implement then I don't think its worth it as it is such a small thing.
Use case: I'm looking through games in the store and after clicking a game I want to be able to quickly back out by just clicking the backwards button on the side of my mouse.
PLEASE LET US TURN THIS FEATURE OFF!!! I've used the "back" button on my mouse for 10 years and now it flicks me around servers while I'm talking.
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This used to be a thing, but it got removed. I used it a lot and not having it is frustrating. Can you add it back application wide but let people turn it off if they need to in settings?
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