Discord Records


76 kommentarer

  • Fnction

    This shouldn't be a server though. Some people are at the 100 server limit, but may really want to see this. Some others may have no clue about this and never will if it's a server or social media since not everyone reads the update log. Make this a new tab in the home page of people's Discord.

  • Iprenis

    So I lowkey think I broke the record for highest ms in a vc


  • wukanje

    So i lowkey think i beat you with the record of highest ms in a voice chat... sorry m8

  • Pout Queen

    ieatpotatochips 1451 hours

  • ieatpotatochips

    My friends and I are working on a really long call. so far we have gotten 42 hours, does anyone know the record?


  • Truck-kun

    might have beaten yall

  • tHe CrAzYiEsT pErSoN

    um all i know is the bot in the most servers its mee6

  • tHe CrAzYiEsT pErSoN

    think i found the server with the most boosts and its a nude server so most  boosts on a nude server i guess

  • SupaIsaiah016

    My Discord group call lasted almost 8 months so yeah

  • NRG Cyz

    I have the world record for most people blocked on discord I think.

  • sans the skeleton

    Honestly, I wonder what the world record is for pings.

  • CheddarCheese

    yeah, i deleted that counting server because it turned so inactive we only got 2 numbers per day, thats a bit dissapointing smh

  • RealNacho1!

    I have got the record of pings in 5 hour. The record is 15k pings in an hour. I am working on most pings in a day

  • RealNacho1!

    Now I am the record holder holder of the most pings in a day. I got pinged 17,159 times in a day

  • What is the world record of unseen group dj messages I have 1k rn

  • bansola

    I also have 1 million messages in a chat

  • Hannibal

    So I think me and my friend may have the longest amount of hours in voice calls. I don't know what our longest call has been, but my friend and I are basically constantly in a two way call 24/7 and have been for over 6 months now (probably a year I think). I couldn't imagine how many of the thousands of hours that discord released of people in voice calls we would make up. The only reason we end calls is because his phone can't handle it for so long and we have to restart the calls because his app has a meltdown and a few occasional personal issues. I might be the one who holds the most hours because we also switch between his fiancee's phone too but I always use my account. Don't know if discord can confirm how many hours I've spent in voice calls but I'm kinda scared to ask 😅

  • nt_p

    my friend's server decided to challenge us to get 10K message in a single day, i think this is the record

  • frogy

    whats the most discord bots in a server?


  • ToxicMinecraft

     Does anyone know how to do this again?

  • kmd

    thats clearly not the one with the most boosts, the dank memer server [discord.gg/memers] has 416 boosts

  • ̔̏̊Beluga

    and here i thought i was special with all those numbers on me... they dont even compete with any of yalls...

  • ! BLU3HER0

    Longest call world record :)

  • Hector.

    kali yusef, mayo, pretzel, cookiesNcream alexthebug, ckyle108, delta4, jam, starmanthegamer, tableflip and I, hector got the world record for the longest discord call sitting at 141 days.

  • BurgeryCrafty

    world record for pings? (i might update this yet if i get 10 million pings, wish me luck)

  • LuciD4Z

    Como posso enviar uma foto?

  • CheddarCheese

    I made a server yesterday and the point of the server is to count to 1 million, We are currently at 100 and we are 0.010% done, I wanna see the world record for the biggest number counted to in a discord server, Does anyone know what the record is?

  • ˞A

    What's record for being on discrod

  • The General


  • The Candy Man

    I think we got a world record of most warns. Does anyone know if there's a greater number?


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