Kicked/Banned from Server Notification


51 kommentarer

  • Doc

    i think is this necesary.. many users dont know why a server not show.... and they in any cases dont know if his are ban/kick 

    sounds great for avoid use other apps (bots) to announce in DM (in any cases the user have blocked the DM)

  • Underscore

    When you ban someone, there is a text you can add, but this is only an internal note.
    There should be the possibilty the let a msg explaing why and duration.

  • Doc

    Well... for duration... its better if discord add a native tempban, for avoid the use to another systems what need more resources for this.

  • Ling ling

    That sounds like a great idea! 

  • ThunderDragonRandy

    I agree. Today, I just joined a server. 20 minutes later, it disappeared from my list and I can't tell if it was server issues (I remember one time, another server that I've been in disappeared because of server issue), location issues, or if I was banned/kicked for no reason. The same link I used to join the server no longer worked for me.

    We need a feature (other than server bots within a specific server) telling us why we were booted out of a server because I was feeling paranoid in the last 30 minutes.

  • Saturn

    I really want this, or at least some kind of list that shows all of the servers I've joined and left/been removed from over time.

  • Doc

    Not only this but also make sure banning people is a proper ban. I.e, No option to see their messages in servers, but rather have them vanish entirely.

  • MattW

    This would be useful, but perhaps give the server owner the option to toggle this.

  • Serum

    Yea I agree that this is necessary but you can do the same thing with a bot aka Dyno.

  • Alexis
    Yeah, that sounds to be a great idea. Perhaps it could be an option per guild though, so admins can choose whether they want Clyde, a custom bot, or nothing for announcing bans.
  • sadkjfhlkdfjxzcvze

    Same. It's annoying to take multiple double glances through server group list only to realise a few minutes later that the server is definitely gone (banned/kicked) and that you're not retarded trying to figure out where it went. 

  • donovan_dmc

    This would be great, as well with toggles for a lot of stuff, ex the whole thing, not showing the blame to the user, and more I'm sure.

  • 1968dude

    I got kicked/banned (?) from WOW server. I still don't know 'WHY'. There was a message, but it was GONE B4 I could read it.

  • Zacatero
    Sometimes people dont want others to know when theyve been banned
  • Unknown-one

    Sorry stupid thing didn’t show me “.” :( Fox that also :P

  • Unknown-one

    Ugh didn’t in the comments either

  • Frosty
    Bots can do this though.
  • actiniumhydroperoxyl

    This post is nearly incomprehensible, and this feature is useless. You should not be allowed to automatically rejoin a server that you were kicked from, because that defeats the purpose. You should not be allowed to ever  rejoin a server that you were banned from, because that defeats the purpose. I'm pretty sure it already gives you an identical popup if you're online when you're kicked/banned? 

    You should not have a part in deciding whether or not you leave a server that you were kicked/banned from. That is not your decision to make, it is the server mods'.

  • ritzy

    Having the reason why you were banned may be nice, but the rest of the feature feels like it would be a burden on the mods and admins. Automatically being able to appeal to the owner would cause the owner's DMs to be filled with instant unban requests, especially if it's a large server.

    Like actiniumhydroperoxyl said, it's the mod's choice to ban/kick. You don't get caught for cheating at school and get an intermediate moment to say "hm I think I will not get in trouble and go back to class" to the teacher, so the "intermediate" part of this makes little sense.

  • That was just an idea.

    Imagine someone kicks all the players out of the Discord server, for example, if you want to reach a certain number. Then a team member makes something, and only when kicking, then someone would invite all kicked players again.

    Let's take Minecraft as an example, if one is banned ok. If the server is not just deleted, but it comes a message that one banned doer was kicked.

    And something upsets me, that's just a criticism ^^

    EDIT: Then I would deviate that comes with the rejoining joins only when kick can be blocked at the only leaven or contact the owner

  • thetechguy
    agreed. we need this feature
  • donovan_dmc

    plenty of bots have support for this

  • EduardoJWar


  • LITter

    ok really cool jack!


  • xvnfor

    Nice broc

    good luck,


  • xvnfor


    button in case they didn't actualky see it"


  • It would be nice! For the people who have to serve discord servers and who have so many servers.

  • It would be nice! For the people who have to serve discord servers and who have so many servers.

  • Celeron
    This is a great idea, but it should be an option upon banning/kicking users to show it, in case the server moderators would not like to show the reason to the user.

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