Increase the limit of user created notes, or remove the restraint.
Currently Discord only allows you to add 500 notes to a user's profile. This is an understandable limit, but it serves to be problematic for users who are responsible for overseeing large communities.
Note taking is a critical aspect of my interactions on Discord, as it allows me to keep track of my userbase and not only remember who someone is, but potentially important pieces of information related to them. For example, their gender, timezone, or critical information like whether or not they are a minor. Needless to say, I've hit this 500 limit and can no longer make new notes- making keeping track of / remembering new users difficult.
I'd like to suggest one of several things:
A: Increase the capacity of notes we're allowed to add above 500.
B: Remove the limit altogether.
C: Add the ability to manage your notes. I was advised by Discord support to start removing notes, but this is difficult when a lot of users I've added notes to are no longer on the server. Meaning I'd need to remove notes from people I still interact with to make new ones- which is kind of counterproductive.
I have used the Notes feature extensively, so you may well be correct Bosman. Is it still not working for anyone else?
-1 -
Started being able to add new Notes entries a few days ago on the PC. Just tested it on Android, too, and it works there (though the Notes field still says "Tap to add a note" beneath the note text I entered - a minor bug). Thank you, Discord staff, for finally implementing a long-needed fix!
I wonder what finally swayed them to address this issue, though? It would be nice if someone official made a statement in response to this thread, or offered a bit of information like a note in the change log, at least. (The last change log I can see on PC is dated May 14, so the more recent update wasn't publicly documented there, it looks like.)
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>I wonder what finally swayed them to address this issue, though?
Since a few months ago i noticed user notes have a short loading time. I assume this was on their "to do" list for about 1 year until they finally rolled it in this month. The previous way they were implemented was probably very inefficient one way or another, and i believe they completely revamped how notes work internally. Somehow i don't expect to get any kind of official notice on this, just like the 500 note limit itself was only mentioned by an obscure official tweet.
-1 -
Still not increased over here, my current discord is:
Ptb 63325 (6db146c)
Host 0.0.52
Windows 10 64-Bit (10.0.18362)Glad some of you guys have a nice increase.
1 -
@Amy: Hmmm. My PC app shows this version info:
Stable 63252 (7138483)
Host 0.0.306
Windows 10 64-Bit (10.0.18362)If yours is newer, that doesn't bode well for this problem staying fixed. :-/
@Don't Cook Bacon Naked: Either way, the fact that they don't bother addressing the nearly 400 users following this thread reinforces the conclusion that they just have these forums to pacify users, not to enhance communication with their company. :(
Ah, well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will remain fixed, and that the fix will get rolled out to all users soon.
1 -
People, it seems this limitation has been removed, please check!)
I can jot down notes again)-1 -
Still not working for me.
2 -
I haven't used Discord since like September 2019 partly because of the notes limit making Discord pretty much unusable for me. (Anything that allows name changes like this needs notes.) If this is really finally fixed, I guess I can come back soon. There better not be another limit, even if high...
2 -
We are NOT in the clear.
I realized I was able to add new notes to new users recently, so I thought the issue had been fixed. However, I then noticed that some of my past notes were randomly disappearing from existing users, with no apparent pattern. I have re-added some of my notes to those users and found they re-disappeared a few days later.
This is even more concerning than the previous system, pre-existing information is now able to be erased meaning we can potentially lose valuable info. This needs to be fixed.
6 -
@RoverdriveX, I have noticed the same thing. At this moment my re-added notes haven't re-disappeared, even after a week.
Does anyone have an idea how to download all existing notes to (for example) a txt file?4 -
Randomly deleting older notes? Wouldn't surprise me. To be honest, nothing the Discord devs do surprises me anymore, and I wouldn't be surprised if they never fix this issue. The company doesn't seem to care. They aren't interested in quality, and they're too stupid to realize that high quality translates into more revenue.
We've seen similar inaction in their failure to correct the CTRL+RIGHT / CTRL+LEFT key behavior for navigating within the edit box, and now they've broken PgUp / PgDn functionality in the reader pane (PC version), which is scrolling MORE than a full visible page of content. When they can't even be bothered to notice such an obvious bug / design failure ("Gee, I'm missing parts of this conversation as I scroll. Oh well, who cares???"), it's clear that nobody competent is in charge and must not even be using their own product.
It's just sad, but this is the typical pattern of growing companies: At some point they just get too big and go to pot.
3 -
Aaand now it's gone again, at least for me.
IDK if i hit a limit of some sort, or because i asked support about the user notes dissapearing bug.
They said "Just to give you a heads up, this issue with notes disappearing in the app is currently a known issue that is on our team's radar. I want to reassure you that our team is on the case and working on a fix, however, I sadly don't have an ETA for when a solution will be available."
5 -
I really hope this is fixed soon...
3 -
For me it is still working since 3 months ago
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[UPDATE: Apparently this troubleshooting is unnecessary (so don't bother); see binchlord's post following this one.]
Since this seems to be an issue still for some people but not others, it would help us track down the source of the problem if we had more information from people:
- On which platform(s) are you using Discord? (Operating system, specific model of machine/device)
- What is the version number for Discord on those platform(s)?
- For each platform, are notes saving for you? And have you noticed older notes disappearing? (Check the notes on your older / oldest contacts, if you can.)
- Have you tested installing Discord on other machines / devices / platforms to see if the problem persists (or has been fixed)?
Maybe if we start seeing patterns, we can get a clearer picture of what's happening and be able to give the devs more pointed feedback.
1 -
My answers:
Windows 10: ASUS RoG GL703GE (notebook)
- Discord build: Stable 69212 (6ec5689)
- No issues (notes now saving; old ones seem to remain)
Windows 10: HP Pavilion 690-00xx (desktop)
- Discord build: Stable 70649 (f0e4bc2)
- No issues (notes now saving; old ones seem to remain)
Android version 9: Moto G6
- Discord build ("app information"): 44.6 (1298)
- No issues (notes now saving; old ones seem to remain)
(Tested each platform again just now.)
1 -
The limit was upped to 1500 for everyone a while back, if you still can't add notes, it's because you were already above that as well.
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@binchlord Was there any official message about the 1500 limit?
@Togusa The problem is consistent between all platforms.. it's certainly account-wide, and on their end.
For the record i last tested on this version, both Windows 7 and Firefox browser:
Stable 70781 (6d2522f)Host 0.0.308Windows Server 2008 R2 / 7 64-Bit (6.1.7601)It's the exact same version on both platforms
The older notes dissapearing i think is a separate bug, and even harder to track down or notice, and I haven't noticed any pattern in particular.
However, since the last patch it seems i can inconsistently add user notes to some users, but not for others.. I haven't noticed this behaviour before, and I assume based on one of my oldest notes dissapearing, i think i can only add user notes to users which had their notes deleted by this bug.
I wish there'd be at least some in-app acknowledgement of this happening. e.g. add the 1501th user note, and it gives you an error message like "Exceeded amount of user notes!"
And maybe an in-app way to manage user notes, to delete older ones, ones you dont share any server with anymore, etc. But probably there are too few users who have this problem.
3 -
> an in-app way to manage user notes, to delete older ones, ones you dont share any server with anymore, etc. But probably there are too few users who have this problem. — bacon chef
This! I’m confounded to read there’s still a limit. That means my ability to add notes can be gone any time again. It’s crucial for me to keep track of a lot of guild members as a moderator. If only I could free the insane amount of note space by managing all the members who either left or got banned.
3 -
2021 BC Heyo, no there was not any sort of formal announcement to my knowledge. It's been randomly confirmed as it's come up in the discord-developers and discord-testers servers. But I looked into it when activity on this thread picked back up 4 months ago and when I try to add a note on a new user, I receive an error in the console stating "Maximum number of user notes reached (1500)". You can check how many notes you have by requesting your data package from discord, finding the section with notes within the "user" file in the "account" folder, cutting everything else out and doing a CTRL+F for one of the characters that separates each note.
5 -
"The limit was upped to 1500 for everyone a while back, if you still can't add notes, it's because you were already above that as well."
binchlord Well, I tried. The limit-change information would have been good to know earlier; it explains why some people seem to have had the issue fixed and others did not--and realizing this, I wouldn't have bothered with my previous post trying to help the troubleshooting effort.
Oh well.
In any case, it's still a shame there's no effort from Discord staff to communicate anything at all with the community about this issue. It's frustrating having to rely on community members for what little information they can drag out of Discord support CSRs and glean from the discord-developers and discord-testers servers, and not having any official word means we can't judge how reliable the information is that we do have.
The fact that Discord still offers no intelligible rationale for the limit and seems completely unwilling to discuss the policy is also highly frustrating. But I guess that's corporations for you.
2 -
I think that being able to check the error yourself in the console is pretty reliable regardless of my trustworthiness, but I know what you mean. This is something that frustrates me a lot, but Discord gets an unreasonable amount of feedback posts every day and I don't really expect them to engage with every one and particularly ones that ultimately impact a very small amount of users. Discord staff have communicated with people about this issue outside of this thread, which is part of what lead to the increased limit, I wish it had been increased more since I have around 2,600 notes at the moment, but hopefully it's something that will be increased further in the future.
-1 -
This is a huge hinderance discord. Please fix it!
4 -
I would suggest to the Discord Developers that with Nitro you are unleash the dark side, I mean unleash the Kraken... I mean unleash unlimited notes for discord profiles as another benefit for been Discord Nitro
Also, if it's a matter of server capacity, the Discord can sell like a one time or monthly fee for going beyond 500 notes for discord profilesSince this feature is powerful one for those discord users we track other discord users for different reason such as: organized people, Streamer, Owners of multiple discord servers, tracker of real name, time zones, small note to remember which topic you talked with that user, where you met him/her and much more.
-4 -
That's ridiculous Varok it shouldn't be limited in the first place it's a basic function.
4 -
If Discord is concerned with users abusing the notes feature, why not allow us to locally host notes?
Just create a local sqlite database to read/write notes on desktop client when feature is enabled.
The low character limit for individual notes is a major hindrance as well since it forces me to delete old but still relevant data.
3 -
I just love the fact that all the comments are for nearly 2 years ago and discord doesn't give a shit about users opinion. but they do give a shit about BLM or LGBTQIA pride month. They also release bunch of pointless updates for this app and change the logo without anyone asking or even anyone liking it, or they change the look and size of profile banners but NEVER fix the actual bug. After each update discord is getting worse. now I'm a bit sad that you guys didn't sell discord to Microsoft. at least they don't ruin the program like you.
1 -
> at least they don't ruin the program like you.
Clearly you haven't heard of $kype. :I
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Were notes finally made infinite? I thought they were. Maybe my older notes are getting deleted without me realising
-1 -
How have they still not fixed this issue? It's been two years since the original post, and nothing has come out of it. If Discord intends for it to be a social gathering platform then the limitation on Notes should really be increased, Notes allow for me to keep track of my friends when they change their profile / username / tag, they also allow me to jot down important social information like their names, other aliases, etc, etc.
Cmon Discord, if you really care for the users then you would've sorted this out nearly 2 years prior.4
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