Revert back certain Twemoji
Recently, the Twemoji set of icons for Discord was updated, which included a whole set of new emoji and very much needed updates to some others. However, some of the changes aren't as good as their previous counterparts which were also used for other kinds of custom emoji edits (such as 👀 and 👌).
The idea is to bring back only some Twemoji back to their previous version, rather than rollbacking the entire set.
Seconded. Give me back my multicolored sparkle.
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But discord uses Twenemoji maybe this suggestion would be better suited for them? 0 -
I like the updated emoji - thanks
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Yeah I really dont like the new ok sign or the eyes emoji they are such downgrades to emoji I used often. Why the hell is gun a squirt gun, and why did shrug need a gender? Give me back my old good emoji I used for years.
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They've ruined several emojis: Unicorn, Sparkles, Eyes, some of the hearts that were pink are now red, etc. I'm very sad about this and don't understand why they would be changed. Also, they are all very large and close to the above and below lines of text/emojis. Overall, it is an immense disappointment and downgrade to our Discord experience.
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I hate the changes, they look awful, please change them back
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I despise the changes, especially to the existing ones. I don't like the gendered emojis but I can live with it. I don't like the new eyes or the fact that a lot of the ones just, completely changed image and code. Please change them back.
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This isn't how emoji work. Discord uses Twemoji 12.0 which was just recently updated from Twemoji 2.1, an outdated emoji set from 2016. In my opinion, that's a much needed upgrade. Twemoji is the font of emoji that Discord uses, and if you have any problems with their designs then you should contact Twitter about it because Discord has no control over this "issue."
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Discord can choose to use specific older versions of some Twemojis if they want. They can also set the size back to what it was so they're not huge. They are not constricted to just using the ones in the 12.0 version.
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If they can choose to use the older ones they really should. The new ones Just no.
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hard agree on rolling it back, they just look awful.
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