Linux client support for multi user systems
Currently the discord linux client does not allow a discord client to be opened on two different linux users, even if the other linux user has no client opened.
For example, on on my linux system I have "User1" and "User2"
Opening discord on "User1" will create a file located at "/tmp/discord.sock" owned by "User1". Even if I close the client, if I log onto "User2" and open Discord, it fails to launch because it doesn't have permission to use "/tmp/discord.sock" (since it is owned by "User1", and not "User2").
The workaround currently is to manually delete "/tmp/discord.sock" but the client should either delete the "discord.sock" on client close or choose a different format to allow for multiple socks for each user.
why cant you do it its not that hard to write programs on Linux/Unix
-2 -
Because afaik Discord isn't open source.
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