Discord Hacker ALERT!!
Today a hacker entered my server and made spam. and made himself a manager. stop hackers
If your account/server is compromised/disabled, report it directly to discord’s support service, I don’t think the community forums will help with individual case(s) like yours.
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yea i had a hacker as well i got u
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isso ai nao é hacker me polpe é normal pessoas entrarem em servidores aleatoriamente, pode ser que ela busco o servidor de voces e acabo entrando, ou alguém do seu servidor passo o link de entrada, pra outro pessoa!
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Alright I have 2 things to say about this:
1- Discord maybe should start working on a security system to ban in an instant those who are using hacks
2- Why Discord hackers hack accounts? Then they are of no use to you unless they are nitro accounts
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I got some bot hackers. Once you invite them, your at risk. 1. Fake / Spam bot. I forgot the tag. potatotailbaka#6710 is a user hacker. Takes IP addresses by sending friend requests. Be careful of bots/hackers on discord.
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honestly i'll need some screenshots to prove this because if people do like stuff others did its literally annoying and fake
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698496457157640214 hacked my server please stop it evidence https://discord.gg/GzxHn3
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True.. Me and my friend got hacked also.
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I my friends servers got hacked by Indian geymer
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How did he exactly do that? there is clearly no known way they could possibly do that. Are you sure you didn't gave their bot admin permissions?
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646467327294177320 ID li arkadaş insanların sunucularını ele geçiriyor
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! MEHDI 5#9155 ve Anon1m Team Sunucumu Hackleyip Spam Yaptılar
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Also ich habe einen Hacker auf dc der eigentlich schon gebannt ist aber jetzt mit einem anderen acc wieder da ist
Sein jetziger Name ist: zVerclxktIP.msf
Und außerdem ist er auch ein IP hacker
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My friend busted got hacked today and lost her nitro that she bought yesterday. He became one of my friends somehow so I blocked him hopefully not getting hacked
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ACİL DURUM UYARISI | Lütfen bunu dikkatlice okuyun: Acil bir uyarı, #2012 etiketiyle "Mates" adında bir Discord kullanıcısına dikkat edin. Rastgele Discord kullanıcılarına arkadaşlık istekleri gönderiyor ve arkadaşlık isteklerini kabul edenlerin hesapları devre dışı bırakılacak ve içindeki üyelerle birlikte gruplarının da kurban haline gelmesine neden olacak. Sözü yayın ve bunu olabildiğince çok uyumsuz sunucuya gönderin. Bu kullanıcıyı görürseniz, arkadaşlık isteğini KABUL ETMEYİN ve hemen engelleyin. Discord şu anda üzerinde çalışıyor. BUNU Bulunduğunuz TÜM SUNUCULARA GÖNDERİN. Bu ÖNEMLİ: Mates#2012'den arkadaşlık isteği kabul etmeyin. O bir bilgisayar korsanı. Arkadaş listendeki herkese söyle çünkü listendeki biri onlardan birini eklerse, o da listende olacak. Kişisel bilgisayarınızın IP'sini ve adresini öğrenecekler, bu nedenle bu mesajı kopyalayıp yapabildiğiniz yere yapıştırın arkadaşımın arkadaşının hesabını çaldı bu bir şaka değildir
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arkadaşımın yazdığı şey kopyaladım
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764635018584129536 He is a Hacker
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Como puedo saber si estoy hablando con un hacker?
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is Brett - Valve#6637 safe
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a hacker hacked the account of my friend named salkmuel is one of the most famous discord hackers DO SOMETHING please
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Please read this carefully: An urgent warning, beware of a Discord user named "Mates" with the hashtag # 2012. It sends friend requests to random Discord users, and those who accept the friend requests will have their accounts disabled, causing their members and their groups to become victims. Spread the word and send it to as many incompatible servers as possible. If you see this user, DO NOT accept the friend request and block it immediately. Discord is currently running on. SEND THIS TO ALL THE SERVERS YOU ARE ON. This is IMPORTANT: Do not accept friend requests from Mates # 2012. He's a hacker. Tell everyone on your friends list because if someone on go your list adds one of them, it will be on your list. They will find out the IP and address of your PC, so copy this message and send it wherever you can.
This is for all of our safety!! Spread the word!!My friends got this friend request and he knew to block it. Do the same if you get it as well. For your own safety.
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simbilder10 No, you can't do that through discord. You can't get someone's IP address to DDoS them through just adding them. And you can tell this is fake, because no hacker would NOT change their name or tag, and if he were an actual hacker, many people would alert the Discord Trust & Safety team and they would ban him. Very fake.
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Blixurd#0055 this person came to my server and deleted it and disable my account pls ban him from Discord forever.
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Hackers? Puro Just Send me Blixurd#0055 of Alert of My server
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A hacker name @HJ has been Ghost ping me on this day 3 times on My friend server
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this is proof DISCORD hackers EXIST.
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mates#2012 is fake cuz check in add friend, it show no one like him
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Cat166#8962 is a hacker dont trust any one that givers you free nitro
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