Voice notes
Supporting this. Voice notes are a thing in every other chatting platform, it comes handy very oftenly so why not make it a thing in discord as well!
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haha yes do this, 8/10 idea.
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Pls add this
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frfr should vote for this,
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I completely agree. Once they add this feature, the app will be perfect.
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I really would like to have that option!
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It would allow for a lot of wonderful memes. Do it
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i really want it, i posted a similar comment
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Yes! Definitely add voice notes. Makes discord a whole lot easier. Will get lots of people on discord. Personally i love voice notes, and i hope this becomes a feature. Please add it sometime soon!
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I really need this. Every time i want to send longer messages i choose Voice texts. I hate it to go to other platforms just because voice messages.
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Its strange that this is not a standard feature in any messaging app. Is this the only place we can log requests for such features?
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This is definitely a must, i would love to see voice notes in discord
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Discord do this
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Trying to get my company to use Discord. The only feature missing is voice notes.
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we ...... want ...... voice ...... notes!
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It’s a 5/7.5 idea for me
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Yes! This would be cool. I have a Discord server set up for language learning and sometimes we want to send audio clips for how to pronounce certain things.
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please discord, this is essential.
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Please please please 🙏🙏🙏
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