Ability to see all users conversation & be able to delete all of your texts to them at a time.(Read the details)
Okay. So ability to access a list categorized with DMs to users. For example you go over that list and it shows you dates of people that you have last communicated to, all logged from the start of your account's creation.
Another thing is that, you are able to delete all of the messages at a time within the conversation through a button or so.
Though the first one is the most important one which is highly needed as for many important issues. Sometimes people slide down and disappear from your direct messages list and you never talk to them again. The best to stay is connected is obviously keeping a track of conversations. So you get filters of which date you want to see last communicated. Extreme addition that will change alot.
Ok, you want some kind of protocol logging every message ever send from your account and by going over those messages in said protocol you want to be able to delete them?
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Well perhaps that but I suggest that the system place something like a button that clears all text messages yours and the other party and so you can start a fresh start on discord yet keeping the friends list.
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