A feature that allows you to mark a server as permanently read
I have a lot of servers, that for the most part, I just don't care about. While, yes, I do interact occasionally on them, and use them for announcements, but, for the most part there are some things that are better off left as permanently read. What I mean by this is it doesn't appear at all on my taskbar as a 1, or notification in general. I would love it if you could have an option like server mute, except instead of having to manually mark as read, you could just enable a setting for a specific server and boom, no more annoying 1 on my discord icon when I'm waiting for a specific person to respond.
Using the Discord Desktop app (particularly, for Windows), click on the “Inbox” icon in the top-right corner (the icon immediately to the left of the question mark icon), then make sure that “Unread” is selected in the box which opens. Click the double ticks in the top-right of the box which opened when you clicked on the inbox icon (and after you ensured that you had the Unread tab selected). You’ll be asked if you want to mark all as read. Click “Mark as Read”, and you should be sorted out (for the reasoning of “should be sorted out”, see the following paragraph).
I’ve never bothered to go through each of my channels and make sure that everything appears as it should once all is read, but it works well enough that there is no new message “dot” on the Discord icon in the system tray to indicate that there are unread messages and, after doing this, I’ve then immediately opened the Android Discord app and I’ve never seen the unread messages notification (until there are new messages, of course).
Give this a try and let me know what you reckon. This has always been my strategy and it has always done the job for me.
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Using the Discord Desktop app (particularly, for Windows), click on the “Inbox” icon in the top-right corner (the icon immediately to the left of the question mark icon), then make sure that “Unread” is selected in the box which opens. Click the double ticks in the top-right of the box which opened when you clicked on the inbox icon (and after you ensured that you had the Unread tab selected) ira investing. You’ll be asked if you want to mark all as read. Click “Mark as Read”, and you should be sorted out (for the reasoning of “should be sorted out”, see the following paragraph).
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Thanks for sharing the tip on how to mark all messages as read on https://discord.com/download. This can be a handy solution for users who want to clear unread message indicators across channels. Keep in mind that Discord may have updates or changes to its interface over time, so it's always good to check for the latest information.
For anyone interested in learning more about managing unread messages on Discord, you can find additional insights and discussions on the Discord community forums. If you have any more questions or need assistance with something else, feel free to ask!
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