Welcome to Web 3.0
I'm sure door-to-door Avon sales reps felt similarly as you do to this kind of pyramid scheme. I think you really need to examine which party is out of touch here; for your own financial health and safety.
30 -
stay in denial about your token buddy, it won't bring your wasted money back
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"keep hating on some pictures" bro just commission artists for art you can actually own. You own a receipt that can expire at any moment. The spirit of the free internet dies at the hands of crypto. If you like the idea of buying skins and access to jpegs that bad, download some gacha games on your phone, idk.
Also... dude... you're missing the point. NFTs directly conflict with my values and the values of the art community. This doesn't benefit "little communities" and never will, and only exists to exploit them. There is a reason absolutely no one but the people in NFT echo chambers want this stuff. If you actually want to make a difference, don't just give up in the face of greedy corporate entities trying to force this down our throats to cash in on trends. This stuff is seriously dystopian.20 -
Think about it though; with how rampant discord is with scams and stuff already (which they should honestly be more concerned about rather than integrating cryptocurrency into their social gaming messaging platform) do you REALLY want to hook a wallet of any kind up to it? No matter how else I look at it, you're making yourselves look silly. The only goodwill this stuff is funding is the lining of money-launderer's pockets. Have fun crossing your fingers and waiting for Poopcoin or something to gain 2 cents in value over 3 weeks.
19 -
"For any of my environmental frens that are worried about NFTs killing our planet, please do some due diligence before spewing false statements"
How about you do that, as this stuff's been proven to do serious damage to the environment. It seems you're the one here "spewing false statements".
17 -
If you've spent 10 minutes online actually listening to the art community in the past year, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. Hell, people had to lock their accounts and go private after the NFT stuff started picking up.
Literally everyone and their mother has educated ppl online on this issue. You're not interested in hearing anything, because you haven't listened after this long. You're just trying to cope and grasp at straws to defend this stuff because you've put too many stakes into it at this point. It'd be a waste of my time to listen to you blatantly ignore everything I say. Peace and love, we are kissing rn, etc16 -
Please keep your thousands of ugly computer-generated pictures away from us
P.S., anybody who says "frens" is extremely sus
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I've been donned Salad Boy... an honor I shall not take lightly. In my darkest moments I will remember you, procedurally generated NFT apologist
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It's a bold take saying nfts are going to be "staying ahead with technology". I'm very confident that this will be a trend. Not to mention that nfts are still a new technology and Discord should be hesitant with them, especially after a few have been revealed to be scams.
I really don't think nfts are the best for artists either, because more often than not the people who buy them aren't buying them for the art, it's for the receipt. I've heard of multiple reports of artists' art being stolen and sold as nfts. Deviantart even had to deploy a detection system to prevent this from happening.9 -
It takes one google search my dude. There are many articles describing how artist who post their works on social media are having to mass blacklist and block accounts in order to prevent their art from being a) stolen and then b) Turned into NTFs without their permission. Use the power of the internet to your advantage and look it up. These NTFs are not helpful to artists, they aren’t a boon, they hurt them.
8 -
ok lemoney
8 -
If it was about pictures, coinheads would buy pictures, not tokens. The "NFT space" appears to be a handful of whales using it for money laundering, and a heap of marks who think they're gonna be whales.
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"This just in: You participate in capitalism but do not like En Ef Tee? AHA! CAVEMAN! Hypocrisy!"
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Yes I participate in society. That's the joke I was making. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism but that does not apply to going out of your way to invest in MLMs. Hope this helps <3
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NFT moment https://www.wired.co.uk/article/nft-fraud-qinni-art
NFT's are harmful to artists, but it's nothing compared to the environmental impact it has. Hope you won't waste the boiled polar bear and seal the earth is cooking up for y'all, don't you know waste is bad? :/
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I suppose what I was trying to get at was you’re spending your money on useless trash that only damages the environment and hurts artists. Also; I cannot take you seriously with how you type my dude. Capitalize your Is and work on coherent phrasing. Ecks Dee.
6 -
Anyways, xoxo ❤️ Hope this helps you bestie
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Omg girlie I'm so peanut butter and jelly... let's kiss and make up
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@sere take a bath
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i know mlm too my friends got trapped in it out of greed 😭 at least others didnt thankgod
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you all are confused between mlm and open marketplace ( no bragging just to be clear my sister is an artist and ive been helping her out financially so she can earn and have some kind of financial freedom too )
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i know people who angry rn wont get what im saying because thats what happens XP but its alright hope you all have a great cozy life im going for lunchh bbye
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I think my takeaway from this thread is that we are still early. Is it possible, that a penguin selling for millions of dollars is some sort of washing move by wealthy individuals, indeed. I think it’s also possible some of these wealthy individuals are making long bets on artists. The bear market NFTs are in right now is weeding out the cash grabs from the real communities. Copycats may exist but the people will eventually recognize the original work and shift value there. Receipts are powerful for artists/creatives as well, and an open ledger promotes the transparency to enable this.
-8 -
salad boy u are using your capitalist phone and using the capitalist internet right? XD
-10 -
just to make it clear im not here to convince u do whatever u want im just chatting im not for or against capitalism or artist i just want my life to be cozy so doing whatever feels nice
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if artist make their own nft so people buying those fake nfts know which one is fake and they are buying them thinking its real and to support artists
but tbh i really dont think its a big issue people usually find that its fake and that nft page gets blocked-10 -
ser i never bought a fake nft of some other artists media like always blows everything out of proportion for clicks if u believe it idk wht to say
-11 -
nfts are big people first were around 2017 its about to be 5years and you cant just post anything sell them XD its not a kids game
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“i searched and google says nft bad” ahhh yess ofc omg why am i even here lmao how long have you all been on internet 2days ???
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