Bring back old UI and sounds from 2015-2016.
1>Bring back old sounds from 2016.
These are the sounds, right in the link I had provided: Yes, This collection was from 2016, back before I joined Discord. I noticed several differences. All Mention sounds, the Message 2 and 3 sounds, and the Reconnect sound I don't think are heard anymore (although they still exist in the assets). Also, the Disconnect sound changed. And there's now a sound for when a moderator moves you to a different voice channel. In addition, recently Message 3 recently got repurposed.
2>Bring back old UI - Design from 2015-2016.
So like many others here, I don't like the new UI. Granted, I'm one of those people who don't like change to begin with, I'll admit this right away. However, instead of saying "Oh, revert to the previous version, this one is bad!", I'm not only going to describe what's wrong with this new UI update but express how to change it to be far more tolerated by literally everyone, including myself, without actually removing most, if any, of the UI changes.
Firstly, I'm going to describe the issues. I'm not a big fan of the curves everywhere that discord is adding, but that's something I can get used to. If you've come here to get around that, you're in the wrong place. This is more for the obscure decision in icon sizing and channel saturation, as well as spacing of the top bar. Let me show my example of how Discord looks with the UI but still remain pleasing to just about everyone who has issues with it.
Example picture
Suddenly, a lot of my issues with the new UI are gone. Of course, this does not change the smaller blip for new server messages, nor does it change the bloated "Add Friend" and the like on the friend screen, nor does it change the smaller server list on the left, but it changes what I considered to be the biggest offenders of this UI change. Let's list out the issues one by one:
The Icons on the top bar are far too large. They look pretty atrocious because of this, especially with how thicker in appearance they are compared to the old icons.
Channels in a server are more vibrant and saturated despite the fact that they are there as a means to select which areas you wish to both be messaging and reading. You're not attempting to read the channel name all the time while reading other messages, so why do they stand out so much now?
This isn't a new UI change, the bar's been large for a while, but the top bar has always been a little too tall without doing much to justify the space it uses.
Now, lets get to fixing these issues to look as I have it in the image example. First, if you press ctrl-shift-i, you can get to the element editor screen in order to edit the CSS rules. Yes, I know doing this is against the ToS, but I'm trying to encourage users to try this and gain a better understanding as to why the new UI seems so repulsive. It is a means for education which I hope both the developers of Discord and the users of Discord both take into consideration.
Let's start with the icon size. In order to change the icon size, use the element picker in the top left corner of the Element Editor window. Use that to click the @ symbol on the top right of Discord in the top bar. Make sure that before you click it, the words that appear start with svg.icon. If you see that, click there. Now, below the html in the element editor, there will be two smaller boxes on the bottom or two boxes on the right, depending on how yours defaults. We're looking for the Styles box. This gives us direct access to the CSS elements that affect the icon we clicked. At this point, search through the styles box for something that says .icon-22AiRD. (The part after the - symbol may vary, I'm uncertain. But if it starts with .icon-, you're good.) This is a CSS class, which multiple elements in the HTML can be set to use. We're going to change the height and width that's listed below this to 18px. Now, the icons will appear off center vertically. We can fix this by look back at the element editor and finding our svg.icon that we had selected earlier. It should be a child to something called an IconWrapper. Click that and go back to the styles box. You should see .iconWrapper-2OrFZ1. (Again, the part after - may vary.) Change the height of this to 18px.
That's the icons down, next is the bar itself. Use the element picker and hover over the very top of the top bar so it's highlighting just about the entire top bar. You should see div.title at the beginning before clicking. Finally, click that and go back to the styles box. Look for .container-1r6BKw (And yet again, what's after the - may vary) in the styles box. Change the height for it to 35px. Do this same thing to a server name box, except this time you're looking for header.header at the beginning. Look for .header-2o-2hj (after - may vary) and change the height to 35px.
Last but not least, we got the vibrant and saturated channels list to fix. This one is easy. Use the element picker to click a channel name that isn't muted. It should start with Look in the styles box for .theme-dark .name-3_Dsmg. Its only attribute should be color. Change the color to #797c85.
Then boom, you are done. Maybe some of you will still have nitpicks, but I think these get rid of the biggest issues with the UI change. I really hope the devs of Discord take a good look at this post and really understand why these tiny changes make such a big deal. I'm not the greatest at explaining why these changes are better, hopefully some fellow users can help me out, but I do have the visual feedback to back it up. Lastly, I appreciate anyone who bothered to read this large mass of text. I wanted to make sure I was as thorough as possible, and I believe I did just that.
Some of you might be wondering... "Didn't I see this post yesterday?", well, you did! Unfortunately, this was seen as a request and therefore violated rule 5 of the reddit. So, in order to make the post allowed, I must link a related Support Discord Thread. So, I will use this one as the best relevance.
Accessibility toogle.
While I'm not asking for what they are specifically, I do think there should be a toggle for the things I suggested. Some people have difficulty clicking the smaller icons. They also might have a harder time reading channel names. So, having a toggle to switch it from my example to what it is now would actually be ideal for plenty of users and not act as any form of bloat. To be honest, accessibility has always existed as a toggle. Look at smart phones, for example. They don't have their accessibility options on by default. Imagine everything being zoomed in by default... it just doesn't work! Having a toggle for this would be the wisest choice, and I still have faith that the Discord dev team will take what I've said here into consideration.
Ok that's all.. Thanks in advance for considering! :)
I looked at pictures with the old design and I didn't really notice any annoying differences, but that's irrelevant.
It would be nice to have a way to customize the UI of Discord by normal means, to the extent where it can look like any old design of Discord. Perhaps a way to write your own design and/or use custom made themes made by the community.
Just a reminder, it's the Discord teams' job to figure out how to fix a problem. Our job is to give a feedback of what we don't like or what we need, their job is to figure out how to change the software based on the feedback and trends.
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