Possible Features to Make Platform More Viable as an Alternative to Twitter
Hi, I wanted to suggest something which could be added to the platform or at least serve as the base of an idea that could be used to make the platform more viable as an alternative to social media platforms like Twitter. This idea is composed of a few parts:
1. The introduction of a possible "broadcast" channel for severs. A channel which can be added just the same as any other and is limited to one per server. Anything posted in this channel is then also displayed in a "global" channel.
- Allow the addition of tags which the server creator can assign to their broadcasting channel and server which can be used to make clear both their server and channel's purpose so that users can more easily curate what content they see in the following "global" channel.
2. The addition of a "global" channel. This channel, which would be an optional opt-in for all discord users, displays posts which are created in the aforementioned broadcast channels. Upon discovery of a channel or server a user is interested in they can subscribe to receive the posts which are created in the "broadcast" channels. Uses can search for select tags or perhaps make use of a "you might like" feature to help curate the content they see so that they may discover more content they would like to subscribe to.
The addition of these features would allow discord users and server owners to more actively engage with the more broad and "global" discord community. Obviously this is just a rough idea but I believe that through refinement such features would allow discord to be a perfect alternative to platforms like Twitter.
I appreciate the time and consideration for reading this post. Thanks a bunch!
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