Pop-Out Chats + Multi Chat View: Essential Missing Feature!!!
Hey Discord Devs,
I’m writing to once again request pop-out chat and multi-chat view features. This would allow users to pop out any text channel into a separate window and monitor/chat in multiple servers simultaneously. It’s a basic feature available on nearly every other chat platform (Slack, Teams, etc.), and I’m honestly surprised it’s still not implemented on Discord.
This has been requested multiple times by the community, and yet there’s been no acknowledgment. Right now, the only way to achieve this is by editing Discord’s start arguments and running entirely separate clients, which is a clunky workaround for something that should be built-in.
Why isn’t this being addressed? Do the devs use Discord themselves? This feature would drastically improve the multitasking experience for users.
Please consider adding it—it’s long overdue.
Thanks for your time.
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