Allow me to adjust the font size
This is a huge problem for me. Browser version lets me adjust the font size, but being able to do it on mobile would be CHOICE. I could use the mobile version on my chromebook!
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It's available via. the desktop client in user settings > appearance.
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I totally agree with this! I would love to see what I'm typing along with what others have said without leaning all the way into my chromebook's screen.
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This idea could work if implemented with its own permission, otherwise I can see this being used for spam more than anything else 0 -
I could see the increase in text size would help spammers, so I could understand that not being added, but not the decrease in text size P=
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I was just looking for this, it would be very good to have the dynamic text size in the mobile app.
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To the person who suggested the Desktop Client... Desktop clients do not run on ChromeOS... Also globally enlarging the UI will make other apps unusable (if you do that suggestion for the Android App).... At least on a ChromeOS device, the only way to have a readable version of Discord is using the web browser version and putting up with the red banner, and resizing it using Zoom in the browser... Which still isn't a great way to use Discord. It is not as fully functional as the app
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The Discord App on Android has poor accessability.. this font issue isnt just a nicety, its excluding users....
Surprised it hasnt been addressed by now...
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Please fix this. The mobile app is virtually unreadable as is.
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I see that this has been marked as "completed" and a previous request was marked as "invalid". This is probably due to the desktop version having text scaling.
Unfortunately, the Android version does not have this function. It would be helpful if there was an acknowledgement that this is an issue making it hard to use. It really shouldn't be that hard to add text scaling to the android app.
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Is there any other thread about the apps font size???
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I too would greatly appreciate customization of text size on iOS and iPadOS.
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In the settings under "appearance" there's a slider to change the chat font size. If you change it to 14px, it should look like the old default.
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Also makes me nauseous, but like Djeser, I've found that fiddling with the font size and the zoom in settings helps *somewhat* - mine is on 16px and 90% zoom.
Still getting the nausea but less intensely.
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This seriously sucks. Some of these suggestions help a little, but I'm definitely getting the nausea too. I'd appreciate if they wouldn't mess with things like this, or at the very least give us the option for things to not change abruptly and unwanted like this.
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Please revert the font, the letters look too thin and it's unpleasant to read anything on desktop discord at all. It's hard on the eyes and makes me not want to use discord even with changing the font size.
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I think the major issue is the font scaling changes for usernames and not really the actual message font. If we had a slider to change the size of all of the different kinds of text, that would be nice.
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We need to get back our text font!
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The usernames being the same size as the chat messages is seriously messing with me; another thing that's messing with me is that shift/enter spaces within messages now just look like a new message instead of clearly being a continuation of the same message as it once was. I really, really hope those two things get fixed.
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i have the inverse issue to the person above - two messages in quick succession look like the same message, as the gap between them has been greatly reduced, from what i can tell. it's a subtle change, but i Hate it??
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My eyesight is a slight bit off perfect: Opthomologist would not dispense me glasses !!
Yet, I _just_ read the font on my Galaxy S9 or my $2K 3440x1440 screen.
Can we please have font size adj in the app for phone and PC???
Pretty Please.0 -
I don't think this is the same idea as; that one asks about font scaling on a per message basis
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Definitely completely different than Marking that as a duplicate of this just seems lazy. Adjusting text size mid-message similar to adding bold or italics is different than adjusting the scale for all text.
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It is *not* a duplicate.. this is font scaling for all text similar to Android app.. not mid message
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OMG Totally agree with this! TYSM Discord for adding this!!
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